Open minded

Yeah the Alts are so open minded we sure did see that. How many examples of hyprocies were shown during this episode. I know everyone will jump on me with blind eyes but I don't care. The Alts are judgmental and narrow minded.

Meum cerebrum nocet!


Yeah I kinda agree. I mean I try to see their POV and all. But honestly everytime one of the guests doesn't completely agree with something, they get a little weird. Like today, when Loana wouldn't get naked and Avocado said something about it, I don't think that is fair. I mean I really like Avocado, he seems like a really cool person, but I wouldn't have gotten naked either. I just don't think its appropriate (IMHO I think its only for your husband/wife to see, but that's just MY opinion, I'm not saying everyone has to abide by it). I'd be seriously uncomfortable, I dunno....

"I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. Please...Wesley...why can't I stay?" -RIP Fred


I was kinda surprised by Avocado too because he does seem more tolerant then others. I really like Art. He seems really chill. And he nevers says negatives it seems. I like Art and Avocado the rest I ain't too impressed with.

Meum cerebrum nocet!


I can't say I'm too impressed by Fiona the Wiccan. She's too into dressing sexily/ glamorously. That "priestess" gown with the pentagram cutout on the tunmmy? Oooooooh brother! Nice bikini, though I wonder why she wasn't sunbathing nude as well.

Avodado and Art remain my favorites. Both guys are surprising articulate and relatively norma-acting, aside from the obvious. Don the Vampire had my sympathies for a while but his beahvior in the April 8th episode alienated me.

And could that other male vamp-wannabe be any geekier?

The Voodoo Priestess.... seems she's kinda hung up on acting the role of "wise woman." But her inability to see throught the "I'll pretend I'm addicted to cough syrup" act leaves me questioning her wisdom.



I like Fiona little if she likes being a valley girl I am not voting her off. Gee thanks so she has your permission to be herself how gracious of you. I have a feeling Fiona whichs there was one Alt for this show. I do feel bad for the alts in that they are trying to be sincere with the guest, and most of them are not being to sincere back. And what is Don calling someone a child for? How old is he? I must of missed something putting on makeup and filing your teeth makes you old and wise. See thats what bugs me about the show. If they told the guest they were booting them because they didn't fit well with the house I can groove with that. But they give these big judgmental speeches as if they are all some god on high. Get over yourself already.

Meum cerebrum nocet!


While I do consider Loana a "goody goody", I don't blame her for not taking her clothes off. I actually admire the Naturist lifestyle, but personally I'm not comfortable being naked around other people. Doesn't mean I'm a "goody goody."


I wouldn't feel comfortable going naked the first time in front of nine strangers and being taped either.

Meum cerebrum nocet!



I feel you on that one. Plus with Fioana being hot I really couldn't get naked in front of her I would be too embarresed. Whats weird is I think I could really sunbathe nude with Art and Avacodo. I think having the women around would make things well weird.

Meum cerebrum nocet!
