MovieChat Forums > The Collector (2004) Discussion > 500 signs that you're going to hell

500 signs that you're going to hell

It's basicly to make an analysis of the collector pattern. it's a way of showing what generaly doom a character.

1. You think you did good with you're deal
2. You show no regret.
3. You're way to get redemption is really easy (see the ufologist)


4. You make amends to the wrong person.


5. You used your deal to help you sin (ie. kill/decapitate/rape 2000 little kids) [Childrens book writer, beginings]


6. You let Morgan do all the work
7. You don't let Morgan do all the work
8. When the end of your deal approach and that the devil tell you can make another deal for some extra-time and that you agree
9. You think Justice (aka Vengance)is something important.


10.That, when the end of your deal approach and the devil tells you can make another deal for some extra-time if you do something bad, and you agree.

11. You dont tell Morgan any details about what your deal was about in the first place.


12. You hide something from Morgan that you think is not relevant to bring up.


You don't renew The Collector's contract. :(
(sad joke)

@ I didnt lose my marbles, I sold them on ebay! @


13. You hate people
14. You're loud mouthed
15. Well you're devil power really really uncanny (watchmaker)


16. you submit Morgan to all kinds of alien-like probings, torture and experiments
17. you fall in love with Morgan


18. You know stuff that would change the world
19. You have a tendancy to crack under pressure


20. You've gone and fallen in love with a 650 year old guy who collects souls for a living!

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
