MovieChat Forums > The Collector (2004) Discussion > Morgan's Track Record (saved vs damned s...

Morgan's Track Record (saved vs damned souls)

I was wondering if anyone knew Morgan Pym's exact track record for saving souls vs. failing at saving souls, in SEASON ONE. I lost complete track for the first season, but these are the ones I know:


Episode One- The Rapper: Failure
Episode Two- The Prosecutor: Saved
Episode Three- The Supermodel: Failure
Episode Four- The Ice Skater: 1 Saved & 1 Failure
Episode Five- The Photographer: Saved
Episode Six- The Actuary: Saved
Episode Seven- The Roboticist: ???
Episode Eight- The Medium: ???
Episode Nine- The Old Man: Failure
Episode Ten- The Children's Book Writer: Saved (though the saved one turns out to be a mistake)
Episode Eleven- The Yogi: (Ambiguous)
Episode Twelve- The Miniaturist: Failure
Episode Thirteen- Another Collector: ???
Episode Fourteen- 1348 AD: N/A (before redemption deal was made)

Can Anyone help fill in the 3 episodes marked by, "???," and the one episode marked "ambiguous"? Also any corrections. As it stands based on my chart above, Morgan's Track Record is: 4 saved, 5 failures, 3 unknown, 1 ambiguous, 1 saved who was a mistake, 1 N/A. Any help would be appreciated.


I can answer two of these from memory.

Episode Seven- The Roboticist: Failure. The Roboticist tricked Morgan and tried to trick the Devil by killing her body and uploading her consciousness into a robot, but the Devil was onto her and the robot short-circuited, leaving the Robotocist trapped in a robot that wouldn't boot up. To make matters worse, the Devil pretty much paid the electric bill for eternity and made the location of the lab hidden.

Episode Thirteen- Another Collector: Failure. Techinically, Morgan's actions could have saved the doctor, but it wasn't up to him. The Devil offered the following alternative: the doctor's soul would have been saved if the Montreal collector was willing to go to hell in his place. She wasn't. The doctor went to hell.

I honestly don't remember the Yogi episode at all, but I just started watching this season again and should have more answers for you shortly.


Episode Eight - The Medium: Saved. She was so obsessed with her dead son that his soul couldn't leave the house and move on to the next dimension or whatever you'd call it, but once she did he went to heaven and the clock ran out without her being taken.


Episode Eleven - The Yogi: (Ambiguous) I don't see how this can be called anything other than a failure. It certainly wasn't a success. Morgan himself may not have seen the portal, but the noise and the light associated with the portal were visible to the viewer.


Thank you so much for all of your help! I will update the chart.

The ambiguous accolade I gave the episode might have been from my own poor recollection of the episode. I do appreciate your detailed responses.


You're welcome, no problem.

He dove off the top of the building just like his female protogee, and as just as he was leaving the roof's edge there were lights and screams consistent with the portal. My guess is that they didn't show his dive resulting in the portal sucking out his soul because because they didn't want to spend the money on the effect. As much as I do like the show, I would never claim that the special effects are terribly good.


Oh I agree whole-heartedly, the special effects and some of the camera work are lousy. What I really liked about the show was the concept; it felt fresh and dark (dark because of the Satan aspect I suppose). It was only the technical aspects and some of the acting that bothered me.


Just out of curiosity, what acting bothered you? I have some problems with it as well, I'm just wondering if we have the same opinion. I thought Ellen Dubin was perfect, beyond reproach, same with Carly Pope. I wasn't as sold by Sonja Solomaa.


@Remington, Regarding the Yogi episode, when he leapt, he turned into a ball of white light, even though the portal was open. I thought his beliefs saved him, and he was reincarnated...

Granted I just started watching the show, so I could be wrong...


I agree with Duc_de_Richleau - I considered the yogi to have been saved because he chose to leap & he turned into white light rather than being pulled into the pit like other damned souls.


I guess I'd have to see it again. It's completely possible that you and dirtbunny199 are right, but my recollection of the show always seems to have Morgan gloating to the devil when he wins, which is why I assumed he lost this one. I could easily be wrong this time, though.



Note on terms:

Saved = remained alive because they sought redemption
Failure = went to Hell because they did not seek redemption
Historical = cases prior to Morgan having the ability to save his clients
For more unique cases, there will be a description.

Track Record for all seasons:


Episode One- The Rapper: Failure (Refuses to confront former wife and child about having left)
Episode Two- The Prosecutor: Saved (Tries to protect former victim of his false prosecution from prison brutality)
Episode Three- The Supermodel: Failure (Continues hating her sister)
Episode Four- The Ice Skater: 1 Saved & 1 Failure (Helps daughter connect to childhood friend who is worse off because of her deal, but fails to recognize that father also made a deal and is taken)
Episode Five- The Photographer: Saved (Realizes that he needs to move on from the past and helps a victim he photographed do that too)
Episode Six- The Actuary: Saved (Protects former girlfriend from mobsters)
Episode Seven- The Roboticist: Self-Failure (Creates a nonfunctional robot for her mind to escape going to Hell, but creates her own Hell instead)
Episode Eight- The Medium: Saved (Lets go of her dead son, allowing him to move on)
Episode Nine- The Old Man: Failure (Realizes his deal has incapacitated his grandson and refuses the Devil's offer to renew his deal)
Episode Ten- The Children's Book Writer: Contract Loophole (Deal was to be able to kill anyone he wanted and he was unable to kill Morgan, so deal rescinded)
Episode Eleven- The Yogi: Ambiguous (Jumps off of roof in a white light, people disagree as to whether he found enlightenment or went to Hell)
Episode Twelve- The Miniaturist: Failure (Refuses to stop miniatures who have the plague)
Episode Thirteen- Another Collector: Third-Party Issue (Client redeems himself, but the other Collector, who was responsible for Client would rather he go to Hell than her)
Episode Fourteen- 1348 AD: Historical


Episode One- The Cowboy: Saved (Returns home to his family)
Episode Two- The UFOlogist: Failure (Too excited to meet the aliens to make up with girlfriend)
Episode Three- The Dreamer: Saved (Confronts the Chief of her Tribe who is worsening their lives)
Episode Four- The Pharmacist: Saved (Gives Morgan her cancer which allows it to multiply, but eventually sacrifices herself to let him live)
Episode Five- The Tattoo Artist: Saved (Remembers that he is murderer and confronts it)
Episode Six- The Comic: Failure (Angers one particular customer too much)
Episode Seven- The Campaign Manager: Failure (Shoots candidate)
Episode Eight- The Mother: Failure (Tells Jeri Slate that she made a Deal)
Episode Nine- The Tour Guide: Saved (Reconciles with her brother)
Episode Ten- The Superhero: Saved (Protects his ex-girlfriend from gangbangers)
Episode Eleven- The Ripper: Historical
Episode Twelve- The Historian: Grandfather Paradox (Disgusted by the fact that she was the descendant of a Nazi war criminal who impersonated a Jew, client kills grandfather in 1945)
Episode Thirteen- Beginnings: Historical


Episode One- The Jockey: Saved (Reconciles with former jockey and family)
Episode Two- The Chef: Failure (Chooses to Re-Up His Deal, but cannot go through with killing his wife)
Episode Three- The Customer Service Rep: Saved (Confronts the dirty cop who planned to kill him)
Episode Four- The Vampire: Saved (Kills her best friend to save her from being a vampire for eternity)
Episode Five- The Video Jockey: Failure (Unable to recognize her split personalities)
Episode Six- The Farmer: Saved (Gives up vengeance against the corporation that destroyed his farm)
Episode Seven- The Junkie: Failure (Unable to confront her drug addiction)
Episode Eight- The Watchmaker: Failure (Unwilling to intervene to protect the descendant of his rival)
Episode Nine- The Person With AIDS: Saved (Maya chooses to forfeit the Deal and go straight to Hell to prevent the damage she is causing)
Episode Ten- The Media Baron: Failure (Chooses media empire over his son)
Episode Eleven- The Spy: Ambiguous (Devil offers the client the ability to be the Collector for Budapest and she accepts before we know whether she achieved her redemption)
Episode Twelve- The Alchemist: Historical
Episode Thirteen- The Exorcist: Saved (Makes amends with childhood friend)
