Don't bother unless...

1) You're Canadian
2) You're from Canada
3) You understand Canadian Humour
4) You're Canadian

Honest to god. The guy who wrote the review's an idiot. Please don't watch Chilly Beach in the high hopes that it's going to be like South Park. They're 2 completely different shows. This is Canadian humour, we're dealing with. Unless you're Canadian, please don't bother watching this show because you won't get it, and will probably end up writing a bad review for it

Cover me, Porkins!



Not entirely true. I'm British and love the show. Just a pity that it isn't shown over here.



i have never, and still dont see the remblance to south park. I am canadian, and i do like it, and not being canadian prob lowers the comedy notch a few levels, but i still can see lots of universal humor, if you will.


Oh, lordah lordah! Here's a thought--(it's hard to just type the words, it's so shocking)--NOT ALL SHOWS IN EXISTENCE ARE RIPOFFS OF OTHER MORE FAMOUS SHOWS! I personally find no resemblance between this and South Park. And when I say "no resemblance", I'm talking "same amout of resemblance as exists between Dude, Where's My Car? and Citizen Kane" type of resemblance.

Frankie's camcorder only SPED UP the roller coaster crash! The hydraulics were already loose!


That's a very good point! People tend to equivocate things because of minor similarities, even when it's not warranted. Keeps them from going through the trouble of judging things on their own merits.

I disagree with your assessment of "Dude, Where's My Car" and "Citizen Kane," however. They WERE both movies, weren't they? Huh? Both MOVIES? Can't deny that, can you?!



Visually, Chilly Beach somewhat resembles South Park. The writing is more like that of The Simpsons, though unlike Chilly Beach, The Simpsons' efforts at satirizing Canada fall flat.


The only similarity between these shows is the snow. Chilly Beach is a great satire of Canadian culture. South Park's premise is not as obvious as that and it sometimes seems it doesn't even have one.


The only similarity this has to South Park is that both are cartoons. That's where it ends and hopefully so will these ridiculous comparisons. Judge the show on its own merits. Why does everything need to be compared to something American?

Namaste, and good luck.


Not true, I'm from Ohio and I think it's hilarious. I agree a few of the jokes may go over my head but there's still plenty there to crack me up. Looking to buy the DVD.


On another note: Chilly Beach was created first. I know because I looked at it before South Park was produced. It took a little time to get made, but that's another story. Maybe South Park came up and ripped US off....


Canadian tv is always the same hokey stupid stuff. All of it has that canadian stereotype fallback-- redgreen show, chilly beach, air farce-- they are terrible tv compared to the few good american shows. I dont mean to be negative, i love canada, i just wish we had good tv


i agree. whoever said this is a knock-off of south park is completely wrong. other than the fact that it's a cartoon, and it's based in a fictional town. i don't see any retarded kids running around telling jokes that aren't funny. if you can't appreciate stereotypical canadian humour, then turn off the tv.


I just started watching the shows and thought they were hillarious! As for south park? wha....not even remotely close. I do think it hits off the same humor as homer in the simpsons, but I think it is actually funnier then the simpsons...which I use to be a huuuuge fan.

P.S. - not from canada...and still see the humor


ok, i saw this show when i was stranded in a hotel in canada this summer and thought it was freakin hilarious. I'm from colorado, and it made my freakin day. As to the south park thing, you are missing the similarity - STERIOTYPES. Its where south park gets a lot of its humor and where, now maybe i'm mistaken because i'm not canadian, but isnt that basically where the humor in chilly beach is coming from? I'm not saying they're identical or even that one ripped off the other, but theres definitly a similarity in that fact. I wish they had this show here in the states because i really loved it.



The only actual ressemblance with South Park is the animation, if the carachters were yellow it would have been a Simpsons ripoff...
It's not a ripoff of anything it's just freaking hilarious!!
Just a shame I don't suceed to watch it on tv.. (and yes I'm canadian)


Actually, I'm American and I like the show. It's good. Don't have to be Canadian to like it. :D

If my friends and I are the future of America, this country is screwed up the ass....
