Well, I'm 0 for 3

I would have eliminated plastic-Sam early on. She's clearly more interested in a ticket to a glamorous life than a real relationship ... and while Adam has earned the money to get that lifestyle, he doesn't seem like the type of guy who wants that lifestyle. But, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that's why he chose her over Rachel. (note: I don't think she's after his money directly, just after a ticket to the "glamorous sophisticated*" life) (* the only people who ever refer to themselves as sophisticated, in my experience, are basically using it as a substitute for "I'm a snob")

Though, Rachel wasn't my first choice either. Amy was. If I was younger, and not happily married, ooh, I 'd be signing up for "Average Joe: Amy Returns" :-) She's quiet, intelligent, reserved, and oh so cute. But I definitely think Rachel was there more for Adam than for having Adam to be her key to some lifestyle. I think Amy's main problem was that, in being reserved, she seemed less "present".

Which leads me to the next thought: I wonder if they're going to bring it back next season with Brian Worth, Amy Worth (neat coincidence there) or with Rachel. I'd love to see any of the three of them come back. (but, wasn't Rachel the one who flirted with Brian? or was it the brunet who was eliminated that night? Either way, I think Brian and Rachel might make an interesting couple).
