zack was a huge jerk

zack was a huge jerk how can he down a woman about her looks when did not look good his self when i saw when he called the girl a duff i wanted to reach into the tv and beat the crap out of him so bad i hoped that after this show that no woman would date him and for the men that are like him you are all shallow ass pigs and the guys who agree with his behavior towards woman are shallow ass pigs also it's guys like him that make me not too fond of dating if i dated a guy who made fun of my cusin or any other girl that's over weight eventhough the woman disgused herself as a over weight family member i would dump him on the dot no questions asked and it offends me very much because i use to be over weight


Zack. I remember him.

I think he was just bitter because I was put in with the joes.
