
I read that Elizabeth was raped at least once EVERYDAY during her kidnapping.

I found this so heartbreaking and horrible to hear about a 14 year old girl and was wondering- even though I assume they were trying to not make the movie too graphic, why they didn't refer to this at all during the movie, or even allude to the fact it was happening?

Does anyone else agree they should have mentioned this to really appreciate the trauma she went though...??

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


I never knew she was raped and I watched this movie years ago.. since the ohio three came out articles have mentioned her rape as well...


This movie was made in 2003, the year she was found. The rape was not made public knowledge until Elizabeth testified in court in 2009. For obvious reasons, a 14 year old girl, traumatized by 9 months of what she went through, did not tell the entire world about her rape once she was found, which is why it isn't mentioned in this film.

This is just my opinion of course. Sorry if I offend anyone.
