Nothing but porn

Definitely disappointed in this version of Dangerous Liaisons. I don't like seeing nudity and simulated sex within the first five minutes of a film, any film. If there is going to be intimacy like that shown it should come near the END of a film so that the tension builds for it. The old "fade to black" has worked well in films for over 100 years, the Asians need to get back to that.

I felt this cast was wasted on a poor script. Others comment that Bae's character shows growth but I didn't see it AT ALL. He died what he was, an abuser of women and a cad.

After seeing his solid performance in Winter Sonata this was a disappointment. No wonder why his acting career has taken a back seat to other business adventures. April Snow had some nudity and simulated sex too.

The Chinese version of this story with Ziyi Zhang is much better and more dignified.


Well, IMO the purpose of the opening scene was to establish the main character as a womaniser. Sure, it could have been less explicit, but that is the choice the director made, I guess.

Calling it "Nothing but porn" is pretty ridiculous seeing as there would not be more than five minutes of sexual content in the entire movie.

I believe that the main character did change, as he genuinely fell in love with Jeon Do-yeon's character. But he was in denial and realised it too late, and in doing so realised how empty and meaningless his life had been. I can see why some would feel no sympathy for him, though, as he should have known beforehand the potential of how cruel and heartless what he was doing to JD-Y's character would be. I don't feel much sympathy for him because of this. All of my sympathy goes to JD-Y's character.
