Are you kidding me?

How could anyone waste there money on this trash?
Now I'll admit I haven't even seen this movie but come on!!!

"When a woman gets an orchid she feels like she's floating on a cloud of infinite possibility"


I am not a movie basher in any way but words cannot describe the way I feel when I hear this kinda crap... this is the sort of stuff people make up as a joke! The fact that someone would actually think this was good writing e.g the writer/producer - literally sickens me.
It saddens me that people have seen this movie after hearing that junk, it really does.

Oh and as a female, I can personally say that I, nor anyone I know (and I bet every damn woman in the world) have never had the floating on a cloud of infinite possibility feeling. Not from a flower anyway.


Exactly =]
I mean seriously. A cloud of infinate possibility? Maybe from some insanely amazing person. But a flower?


Yeah I couldn't take this movie seriously, it was an absolute shambles! The bit that got me the most was when Chris Noth's charachter made a mixed CD with that horrible song and all the family start dancing around to it, I actually felt like vomiting.

I'm in my tree talking to the Dixie Chicks and they're making me feel better



Your post made me laugh almost as hard as when I heard that cheesy line the first time. I liked the rest of the movie though...


I caught a few minutes of this movie this morning before work. It seemed pretty good, so I DVR'd it. I'll watch the rest when I get home. Sure, it's a sappy movie, but I get in the mood for these type of movies when I'm away from girlfriend.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


XD When they danced to the CD, I just kept on laughing at the cheeseyness of it all.


I stopped reading at

"Now I'll admit I haven't even seen this movie but come on!!! "


Better yet: "Hello Jean: J-E-A-N used to be just a word for a pair of pants"
"Oh, this guy is good"

Of course, the cheesiness at least isn't offensive. The rest of the movie however is disturbingly shallow ("*gasp* He plays scrabble").


Whether it's called being jaded, cultured, hip, cynical, knowing, discerning, trendy, edgy, real, authentic, or just having low expectations and demanding low results, most of us get the general idea behind scoffing at this movie. Having that as a standard doesn't seem to work that well, because it's not always clear whether everyone else is supposed to live up to it or live down to it. A lot of experience and a wealth of attitude doesn't necessarily add up to a breadth of awareness. Have a laugh and be tolerant of awkward and/or shallow people, and perhaps even be kind to them. They walk among us. Some of us may have even been them in the distant past. Bless'em all, even when they're in movies, or when they make movies.
