Not A Children Story

Too many people think that stories whose protagonists are children are ipso facto children stories not much different from Alice in Wonderland or Little Tom Thumb. Anybody who bothers to read OLIVER TWIST and TREASURE ISLAND knows that those stories are full of mature material and therefore are more suitable for adults. Scenes such as the murder of Nancy are definitely not kids' stuff.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


That's kind of true and God is subtle. When I review Oliver Twist, I think of my successions based on my high-school experience as well as all the failures that make up of what I didn't notice in the movie. So instead, I watch it optimistically in a health akin to pessimism. That may not make sense to you so look up the right psychiatric term for this. It's a shame how well-directed and written it still was, yet there's a lot of joy not to be found in it because of people's lack of health, class, and education.

When I see Nancy get killed, I barely expect to know why without myself trying to read into flaws in their acting and script. It's just a ton of me trying to make up for lost time using hard work in sacrifice of enjoying something. I find this to exemplify the negative effects of violence or too much computer-time. Anyhow, I've come this far. So did I really hurt myself? It's what we make of it.

It's not too bad for children's eyes, as you don't see much blood. They probably wouldn't see what they will see years later on. That's the benefit of exploiting your own age before you get too old out of chance to compromise. Imagine seeing this movie when you're 17 then again when you're 24; that's a whopping amount of time compared to just having seen it younger.

Either way, it's worth a try to let us know, since not a lot of people stop and think about changing their ways incisively like a surgeon.
