Queen Latifah

This movie had a lot of performers I find to be very entertaining (even though I didn't really care for this movie), one thing that really shines is the fact that Queen Latifah is painfully unfunny. After watching about half of the movie "Taxi" and now this movie, I have come to the conclusion that she can bring any movie down a few stars.

Not saying that this movie would have been much better without her, just stating the only lesson I am walking away from this movie with is to never see anyother movie that has her name in the opening credits.




You clearly have no taste, eyes or ears.
Why don't you just spend your time watching paint dry.
And never again bad mouth a multi talent like Queen Latifah.
She has more talent, AND HUMOR than you'll ever know.
I'll just say one more thing: BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE.


You clearly have no taste, eyes or ears.
Why don't you just spend your time watching paint dry.
And never again bad mouth a multi talent like Queen Latifah.
She has more talent, AND HUMOR than you'll ever know.
I'll just say one more thing: BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE.

I agree with this statement 100 %!!!!

The HO who stated the first comment, go suck a d!k b!tch!


yeah i agree! the only reason I watched this movie is because of queen latifah and she was hilarious!! she cracks me up always and the way she talks she's really funny!


You would have to be a complete idiot to like this Bull S%*@. This movie is horrible only for the simple minded what self respecting black person would find this garbage enjoyable.


Oh lord with the anymosity. To each his own. Just because you don't like an actor or movie does not mean that anyone who does is an idiot. Why do you have to be so nasty? And the same goes to the other possters as well.


I agree totally, she is such a bad actor, unfunny, and just a terrible actress. I will not see any movie with her in it. I thought Taxi would be good, because of jimmy Falon, but i did not go to see it just because of her. God she is annoying!!!


I love Queen Latifah and if you don't think she is talented watch her in Set It Off she deserved an oscar nomination for that. I can't say this was a good choice for her cuz this movie has set Black people back like 12 years but I still love her and lets hope a movie like this never gets made again. I wonder how you can even read the script and be like oh this is a good idea like seriously everyone must of been high its the only way....or retarded


Wow..I completely disagree. I didn't like this movie either but Queen Latifah was actually the reason I kept on watching. She was hilarious and was the only character that was believable. To each his own I guess.

I love the Internet.


I thought the movie was poorly acted,and not even funny. I don't think Queen Latifah is a bad actress. I think this movie had good actors in it but their acting wasn't good.
