favorit scene

myfavorit scene is when uncle and denis see her smach the womens things and then they look at each other and they start smaching things to whats your favorit scene


You must be an awful moron - try it in my house and see what you get, bozo!!!

BTW, what they did is a crime**, punishable by a custodial sentence, plus civil suit by their victim. I don't care what the circumstances were, what they did was just plain wrong and if you can't see that - then, as I said, you're a moron!!

**Hence the sheriff's vehicle pulling up outside the house where the vandal was taking her photos. I'm only sorry we didn't get to see her arrested.


so you can't like any scene depicting anything illegal in any film ever?


Forget "illegal" and try pettily vindictive and needlessly cruel. Nasty bunch of people.
