
According to British censors the final volume was given a higher rating than the rest of the series because it contained "moderate sex references" (

Only, I don't recall seeing or hearing anything relating to sex anywhere in the entire series except maybe for a tiny tiny amount of nudity in the credits which is common to the entire series.

Does the British version contain something that was cut out of the American version? or does this relate to a special feature/extra/trailer rather than part of the series itself. It'd really like to know as this one is bugging me.

The rest of the series was given a PG rating in Britain, which is lower than the PG-13 that volume 1 was given in the US. Which makes me wonder what exactly it was that prompted them to give the last volume a higher rating.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


The rating is given for the DVD as a whole, including any trailers that it contains. Two animé series trailers are included on the disc you linked to: IKKI TOSEN and KIDDY RADE, both of which are a bit rude.

If you look at the rating for the DVD version without these trailers ( ), the rating drops to a PG... "Contains mild violence and distress".


Yeah, I managed to figure that one out after viewing the trailers. It's all of those panty shots, I guess.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


It's a shame that the distribution company included those trailers... they are shooting themselves in the foot and reducing the number of potential customers for a series that could easily be enjoyed by younger viewers. Does a loss of sales income make up for the few bucks they got by including the rude stuff? I don't think so!


Since it was disc 4 of 4, and since the series wasn't aimed at children in the first place I doubt that it would have made any difference at all. Also, since the trailers were for DVDs produced by the same company I doubt that they would get any money for showing them.

They weren't really rude trailers, there were a couple of panty shots, but nothing really sexual.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


I wondered if they put '12' rated trailers on just to put the rating up thinking adults would be less inclined to buy a 'PG' rated series.

I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler
