I want my $6 BACK!

From now on ANY video store should have lights and alarms going off when you are about to rent such tripe such as this! Honestly Who signs the green light for such shyte! Give me the $$!! Im sure I could put it to better use than subjecting honest, hard working people like myself to such brain numbing trash!
At least have some more T&A in the movie, At least have me return the movie and say to myself "Ok it wasn't ALL bad at least I there was some T&A (NOTHING!!).......RENT NOT THIS MOVIE!!!



The hairy armpit really kills whatever tasteless value it has. Watching a blue screen for 2 hours is better than this. Please, do everyone a favor, and put the hairy armpit on the cover.



I laughed 20, 000 times harder at these posts then I ever did at any point during this crapola of a movie!



There's not enough Booze or Weed in the World to make this Movie enjoyable,...
and to the Original Poster,..Handy-Man,..eh'? The Freakin' TITLE & CRAP ON THE VIDEO BOX,...should have 'gave it away'. HEE HEE HEE. I got a Corn Cob stuck in my Ass and can't find the Plier's!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!
