Ha! This looks great

This looks great. It'll probably go direct to video though.
Check out the official website.



I have just seen the movie. It is rather fun. Very similar to the film called Swimsuit The Movie. But to be honest, at the end of the day it's not really worth the wait.


I worked on this film. Don't waste
your money. You'll be sorry.
The best thing it has going for it is the title.


Title and the DVD cover art/poster. Death to the persons who wrote, directed and produced this turkey.


This was easily one of the worst films ever made! Fart jokes can be funny, but if you stretch it out for a good 5 minutes it's excessive and not funny.


i just want to see jaime pressly and brooke in hot bikinis :) can you post some screenshots? ;)


Filmmaven, huh? Please, what you evidently know about film might fill a Gummy Bears box. "Easily one of the worst films ever made," you say. Spare us the empty hyperbole.

I agree with Kliuv's posting. This film is fun. I saw it with an audience last year. My friend worked on the film. The audience laughed all the way through, a major studio bought it. Period.

Yes, I thought the fart scene was long, too. But everyone laughed. The film is really smart satire. It has some clever twists. There are some wholely original laughs like the martial arts fight or the police interrogation scenes.

It's a fun film. Period.


I enjoy spoofs and parodies but this one just wasn't funny. I was bored. Put it up against "Blazing Saddles", "Young Frankenstein", "Airplane", "The Naked Gun", even "Scary Movie 3" and you see that this pales in comparison. There was a scene in a yet-to-be-released Ben Affleck movie that dealt with the "Basic Instinct" interrogation scene and that one bit was far funnier than anything I've seen in this movie. That film "Man About Town" was written and directed by Mike Bender.

Glad ya enjoyed it. I'm overjoyed that I didn't pay to see it. I'm distraught over the fact I can't get back those 90 minutes of my life.

It's not a fun film. Period.


all those movies you named are unfamous and flops. trust me. dont even reply to this, cause i wont read it


Thats one of the funniest things i've ever read on the internet. Well done.

Blazing Saddles and Airplane are definitely unfamous (sic) flops. As for the Naked Gun... never heard of it!

But I do trust you.

Dont bother replying to this email because I gouged my eyes out with spoons so I couldnt even read it if I wanted to.



I agree Naked Gun is very good. It's 17 years old thats probably why they don't know it.


Man, who's never heard of the Naked Gun? Geez! How young are most of you guys??


I enjoyed the movie. I rented it today. The fart scene was long but funny. The kids didn't think it was too long as I had to rewind it 3 times so they could see it again.The person who stated they worked on the film must have been fired. If I could work on a movie I would be excited about it......unless I was fired.


this movie sucked seriously. People dont know about naked gun!!? :s i mean the whole naked gun series are great. That are good comedy movies



I agree the dweeb who doesn't know about Naked Gun must barely be out of diapers or just into Depends! And if you've never heard of the "Gun" series then who in sam hill will listen to anything you say about a movie you just watched? I mean that person is obviously not knowledgeable enough about film or television to give an opinion on anything other than how to change his own diaper or get his caregiver to change it for him/her, whatever...

"A person rides out in search of what he wants but returns home to find it."


oh i ended up back here, just to point out, to the retards, they ARE FREAKING OLD, comparing this to those old ass movies is like comparing a computer now with a computer back in the 80's... eat *beep* and d1e



did u really link me to a COMING SOON webpage?!!? lol


did u really link me to a COMING SOON webpage?!!? lol



*beep* censors, they can suck my *beep* dick


Please, oh wise and knowledgable matrix606, why is it that a movie is bad just because it is a few years old? Does that mean that a movie that is good today will be not good years from now?

Your logic is...illogical. Your knowledge of movies is...ignorant. Your comments here are...childish.


I like watching B movies. Since Death to the Supermodels has that B movie vibe, of course I loved it. I also thought it seemed to be a satire of the way that a lot of other B movies are made (hot women are killed on a deserted island with no chance of rescue or escape), which was more of a reason for me to like it. If I didn't like B movies and compared Death to the Supermodels to bigger name movies like the Naked Gun (just the first one for convenience's sake), I wouldn't be able to say DttS was better, but since the two movies are in different leagues and made with different comedic styles, I am perfectly satisfied to like both of them for their own merits.


I very much feel the same as you, Kaributt!
I laughed my head off during "Naked Gun", but I enjoyed this one even more.
It's flashy and offbeat and it doesn't give a damn about the average viewer.
Guess you must be one for tasteless stuff, though :-)
More movies like that, please!


This is for all of you people still paying good money to go to a Theater to watch movies,...movies like this,....almost any movie nowaday's isn't worth Piss On A Pickled Pretzel. Logic? Steely Dan would know,....but I digress.
(Oop's,...Cap's Lock) Oh well,....Pretty women in a Fall-Flat-On-Yer-Ass Film.
Not Worthy of 1 Star!

The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get!


Any movie with TWO MUTE characters is sloppy screenwriting.....and a waste of time, but, there I was, watching it like a train wreck.
