I'm not usually into dumb, stupid movies like 'Dude, Where's My Car' or crap like that, but THIS MOVIE IS HILARIOUS! I swear, I just found it so funny, it's great.

Billy: I thought you said she was dead!
Stu: She looked dead!!....Still does....


dude... u have to be joking. this, for a lack of a better word, movie, is an abortion of what was already a *beep* movie. if you liked this movie, then u must be a twelve year old tht got an erection from the girls or some 35 year old loser who has no idea what style is or a basic concept on what is comedic. go get a *beep* cat scan cuz there must be something wrong with ur brain

Jesus died and was reborn 3 days later, that is serious lag.


It was fiarly enjoyable, and for something that crappy, I actually wanted to watch it again! Odd...

I have no sig!!


i agree, it was horrible but it was enjoyably horrible some how.



I agree. I've seen this movie a half dozen times, and it makes me laugh every time.

I think people just get high expectations for every single movie they watch instead of enjoying it for what it is.


It appears a lot of the negative reviews being posted here have missed the point. This film was meant to be silly and shallow. Its a comedy after all ! I cant believe people are actually criticising it as though they were expected a serious film.


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this movie played off on ethnic stereotypes, and must of been the first "MGM" movie under 'sony'. cause there was no sony logo just mgm's.


The OP must be the director...either that or easily amused.

Dude Where's My Car is the Citizen Kane of COMEDY compared to this dreck...I didn't laugh once!

Definitely deserving of the 1/10 I gave it...not even the hot girls were redeemable.

Sukiyaki Western Django: 6.5/10
Spiral '07: 6.5/10
Machete: 7/10
