
I can't remember the theme tune i think it was

North or south
east or west
the quest
to save the live of Pelimar
comes by through
the dragons eye

Well it was something like that does anyone know the full theme because its annoying me.


The actual theme tune was:

North or south
East or West
The quest
To save the life of Pelamar
Goes far
Look bravely through the dragon's eye
and fly...



go to and download the theme tune


Is it bad that I know the theme tune off by heart?

21 years old, saw this show must of been 14-odd years ago, and I've forever loved it. I dunno why, it was just sheer awesomeness.

And now I've just found a DVD of it on eBay. Ahh childhood memories.


course it aint bad! lol i know it so well that i know the other way that opens it too!

North or south
East or west
The test
is can you finish wat you start
take heart
look bravely through the dragons eye and fly :D lol its my fone tune!
