Best episode

Well, what's yours???

Mine would have to be the Henderson Challenge from series 3.



I agree, that's my all time favorite :D

The Bollywood one was good, and the gold mine underground was the very first one i watched so i always love that one.

I think i loved most of them until Danny and Stacy got replaced and Mikey got replaced by Billy.


I like the episode with Richard Chamberlain and the "Charlie Chaplin"-like intermezzos ("Whittaker Our Way Out", from season 3?). Also, the one where Danny poses as the long lost son of a restaurant owner (season 1 I think), stands out for me as the episode with a heart.

The Henderson Challenge episode was very different and very funny, and therefore quite memorable too.

~ Everyone is unique, except for me ~


Old Acquaintance (s2, ep 5), mainly because Jaime Murray gets a bit more screentime in it, with interesting scenes, and she's such a terrific actress. Frankly, it would have been nice to get more Stacie-centered episodes.


The Lesson, 2.3 I believe. The most perfect con I've seen them pull out; everything worked incredibly, the twists were great, and the villain was a real bastard


"Ties that Bind Us" (Richard Chamberlain episode) is also my favorite.

"The Lesson" in series 2 is also one I like..... its one of the few episodes where the story and ending is so clearly put it, almost spoiling it in a kind of way, that the ending really does surprise and catch you unaware.


Mine is "As Good As It Gets". Adrian was on top form as a bogus fashion entrepreneur. Also love the episode which introduces Emma and Sean.


series 1, #4 where they spook the spook, AND that "strip poker" scene!!! Every one just hang loose for a while... YEAH.

■-■'s a whole lot harder to shine, than undermine.
