MovieChat Forums > Indigo (2005) Discussion > My opinion (not concerning the Indigo as...

My opinion (not concerning the Indigo aspect)

So is the cover lying, or was this movie really given Official Selection at the Ashland Film Festival? Now, forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't Ashland very much about independent film? So is it wrong to assume that because of this, they would have a generally good idea of what good movies are? Because this was not a very good movie...

The acting was atrocious. Like seriously, it makes you want to poke something out. The only decent actor was Neale Donald Walsch. And it was sooo obvious that it was written by a novelist. Which is fine.... for novels. Adapt that style of writing into a screenplay and you've got something that goes from looking good on paper, to ... well, crap.

So the point is, OFFICIAL SELECTION at the ASHLAND FILM FESTIVAL. (Not to mention the others.) Is it because Ashland was IN it? Because I can do that too, if that's all it takes. I thought they knew something about movies over there...

Seriously, might I say, WTF?


thomas: WTF is that this movie was funded and written by "new age" people with an agenda. they are interested in inserting this "indigo child" concept into popular culture and the modern mass consciousness. it is highly occultic and evil to it's core. i don't know anything about the Ashland Film Festival but i would look into the "spiritual concerns" of the promoters, if i were interested in knowing WTF.
