likes and dislikes

I loved the setting--the Amalfi coast, the setting of coastal Italy in this time period was gorgeous--I wish I could go to there and it would look like that, but I haven't seen anyplace in Italy that does, at this point in time.
I loved the villa and its interiors.
I loved the costumes.
I liked all the English actors and thought they were terrific.
I liked hearing so much witty O.W. dialogue, and the fact they didn't stray a whole lot from the original play.

I did not like Helen Hunt, for the reasons everyone is posting.
I did not like that they imported a bunch of lines from other Wilde plays and put them into this one--it was a bit too much after awhile.

I started out not liking Scarlett Johanson. I usually think her acting is pretty poor (exceptions: Lost in Translation, Love song of Bobby Long), she typically has a few set expressions, and relies on her sexy persona to get her by . (Obviously this works for a lot of people--witness the many statements on this board saying essentially, "who cares if she can act, she's so hot") This was the first time I thought she looked Awful, because of the ridiculous hairdo. Also, with her over-sized lips she does not have a face that would have been thought attractive in that time period.
However, as it went on, I found myself warming to her performance, and thought she ended up doing a good job of expressing the conflict and distress her character was feeling. I really liked her by the end of the movie.


scarlette lip?

one of us is over focused on the wrong things

Tom Wilkinson V. S.C.Moore

& the card mens banter

did not know about the lines from other plays thing
that make me sad
so so thought this was how it was written

2 say 1 can do a thing - may proclude should purr-hap
