Very Realistic

I liked this movie it reminded me of several women I have known over the last 20 years that were very good looking, smart and funny that let every jackass in the world use them like a sex doll. I have been Mick myself a couple times, I never stayed long enough to end up with the girl. You just get sick of watching them get used over and over again, when there are men that would be like Mick. Unlike the movie though, lots of the time they never end up with the Mick character. It will never cease to amaze me how the Jamie's of the world allow themselves to be used and most can't see that they have good men right in there faces.


The men may be good but if there isn't chemistry it's hard for the girl to stick around. I've heard men complain that girls only want bad boys. That's not exactly it but "bad" is often interesting and exciting--but irresponsible--hence the cycle. Many good guys are wonderful people but a little boring as a boyfriend.
