Fear of Death

I'm afraid to watch this film. It's right there in that box, but I'm absolutely terrified to put it on. The problem is I have recurring episodes where I see and feel myself dying. I actually feel as if this is it, it's over. The pain is not there, but the panic is. I realize this is my healthy, conscious mind reacting to the experience/thought, but every time I become extremely anxious and deeply troubled until I finally gasp for air and snap out of it, leaving me feeling depressed for the next few hours (which is often until I knock myself out to sleep with pills or from extreme fatigue). All this back story to ask: Is it a good idea for me to watch this film, does it help the viewer rationalize death in any way or will it just bring out my old fears tenfold? I know King as a director presents his subject matter without any judgement and his images are often quite raw and gut wrenching without any dramatic contextualization. I usually hate when films try to push you into thinking in one direction, but I have the feeling I might need some sort of crutch before tackling this one on.

What was your experience of the film? Does anyone out there have the same outlook on death as I have and came out thinking differently after watching this film or did it just increase your anxiety? Or perhaps you had an open mind on the subject, but the film completely turned you around? I'm glad when these thoughts of death are far away in the back of my mind, safe at a distance, but sometimes even the most subtle triggers will bring these feelings back... and Dying At Grace seems to be a mighty big gun. I love what I've seen from King up to this point and would hate myself for missing out on this one because of all of these fears I can't seem to rationalize.



I am not sure if "Eventually it will happen to us" can technically be considered a spoiler, dude...


Nicodemus was replying to the original poster who was experiencing panic attacks about dying. That is why he covered that sentence in spoiler.

Not me, I don't care what happens!


[completely laughed myself out of the chair]

Yeah, but I still don't like it.


Again, I would like to be illuminated on how 'eventually it will happen to us' can be considered a spoiler? Would the idiot who posted this please explain how eventual death is supposed to be a surprise, the knowledge of which I should be prevented from knowing? Yeah, thought so, idiot. Do not feel bad, the world needs ditch diggers and dish washers. There will always be a position available for those with an IQ below 90. Now get back to preventing me from being surprised by life's events, please. For example, SPOILER: 'The sky is blue and grass is green.' WOW I NEVER KNEW THAT! THANKS FOR NOT SPOILING IT FOR ME! Idiot.


Really? It's not that hard. The original poster was terrified of the thought of dying, to the point where he/she was having panic attacks. The comment "eventually it will happen to all of us" was covered in spoiler alert so the original poster would not freak out in panic when reading it, which would again cause he/she to think of death. I don't understand why that is so hard to understand.

Not me, I don't care what happens!


Yeah, really. I mean, the "not sure it was a spoiler" comment was funny, but the rant in the second post really was unwarranted. It was one human being trying to be kind to another, in this case by not triggering a fear that really seems to be a problem for the OP. God forbid that should happen in the internet-snark age.


This film was probably one of the most depressing films Ive ever seen. I say if you have a fear of dying then stay away from this film, for me it visualized the true horror of death, and it certainly is not like in the hollywood films. The people shown here die long protracted deaths and the camera does not flinch even when the person is no more.
