MovieChat Forums > Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove Discussion > Bohemian Grove dates back to hitler

Bohemian Grove dates back to hitler

Yes hitler was in this group before it was Bohemian Grove and then it moved to america.


It goes back farther than that. The San Francisco Bohemian Club was founded in 1872 and the Cremation of Care Cermeony has been there since 1892. The Germans had a similar and perhaps related society of Molloch worshippers which Hitler joined in 1919


Moloch wasn't an owl, he was "the golden calf." Kinda throws a wrench into Jones' already weak argument, doesn't it?




Yet another great re: from the enlightened anointed one. Oh, great teacher! Please, do reveal your arcane sources of knowledge. We mere common mortal humans and sheeple are simply incapable to think at your level. So indeed, gracious one; provide us with at least an insightful link of your choosing...


I've seen this claim before and it has always puzzled me, since (as far as I know) Hitler never even set foot in America. I have just watched this film and one of the (semi) authorities who participated said that "Hitler was a Bohemian". I can only assume that it boils down to a misunderstanding.

Hitler was born in Austria, not too far from the region known as Bohemia (which probably makes little difference to the average American who knows next to nothing about the finer details of European geography).

For quite some time before his spectacular ascent Hitler was also a homeless aspiring artist, in effect a hobo. In the romantic vernacular of the time, his condition might be described as that of a Bohemian:


I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.


Thats wierd, didn't Hitler outlaw secret socities during his rise to power?

Freemasons were also one of the many groups to be sent to his camps.

