Favorite part

This movie is wall to wall hilarious.

Best scene is the one with "Bryan Adams" lifting up the hay stacks and singing Cuts Like a Knife.

Then when they get their new guns, and Reynolds starts freaking out...naming it "Black Death", and then proceeding to tell everyone to *beep* taste it".

A lot of the scenes with Sam Brown and Eddie Reynolds are hilarious. Such a great piece of comedy.


lol yea the sam brown parts are hilarious.


ed helms in the kayck was awesome, bryan adams was great, rob riggle the best. every scene he was in was the best.


The best part was the jab at Canada in the prayer before the first game

"...Canada a bastion of socialism and alchoolism"


Any line by Rob Riggle is hilarious,
the best thing is that all of Rob Corderry's improv characters are like rob riggles part, they just scream and curse, and then Rob is this calm guy....idk its just irony

S to the N to the A to the K to E to the P to the L to the A to the N to the E


Best part was when the game against the Canadian Team. They all try to act so tough, but end up looking so rediculous. Like when they all move their hands away from handshakes, they're stupid-ass rap, and how the guy says "I wiped my butt with that hand 10 minutes ago"


Best line: "You know where I'm going to be in ten minutes? Doing Kung-Fu. That's where!" Or something close to that.


My favorite part is at the beginning with DJ Hazzard, he is absolutely hilarious. Rob Corrdry is good, but there I felt that he couldn't catch up with DJ as they were improvising. Anyways the movie was great.


No, no, no. The best line in the movie is: "dear lord, make us your fist. Make us your fist, and deliver us into the faces of our enemies."


I think the best line in the movie is in the deleted scenes with Lenny and Eddie talking and Eddie says, "Go ahead, kick me in the balls Lenny....(Lenny does nothing)..."that's right, you don't have the BALLS to kick me in the balls!"



Someone mentioned what the old guy said as he started the match against the Canadians. He followed up with what I thought was maybe the funniest, "Bobby dukes, kick their ass so hard, their ass goes up their own ass"

That made me laugh out loud.


oh god when I first heard that (or even think about it) i laughed my ass off.
D.J. Hazard is the truth.Also one of the parts that made me laugh the most is right before Sam Brown hears about Bobby he goes "What you care about is heat right?What you want is action in your life.What you want is Sam Brown in your life.It's just like a hot stove, you put your hand on it and it goes like PFFFF!awwww....my hand!".Followed by a weak series of karate kicks.That shat had me rolling.I love this movie.Bobby Dukes is the man.

-"we're gonna have to lose the arm yo".


"I take it and stick mah *beep* BONE in it's *beep* ASS!"


"Hey Bobby, do you know Erica?"

"You mean Erica... my sister? Yeah I know her"

