MovieChat Forums > Zenon: Z3 (2004) Discussion > They Should've Stopped at Sequel Two

They Should've Stopped at Sequel Two

Zenon: 3 is a such a dumb movie and they should've stopped the Zenon trilogy after the second movie.

First of all, the so-called-cool language is totally lame and nobody in their freakin' minds would say that if they had a brick hit upside their head. Second of all, the new actors have poor acting ability and should've been replaced with someone who doesn't suck. And third of all, they should've stopped at the second movie. The first and second movie were good, but the third one sucked big time.




Life is like a chess move, you need to make your next move-T.I. "Why You Wanna"



Yea the language iz stupid "vega omega" the person who made those words should be fired (no offense) I hope the 4th one wont suck as much


There's gonna be a 4th Zenon movie? Say it ain't so.

Life is like a chess move, you need to make your next move-T.I. "Why You Wanna"


Ugh. I agree.

Shake and bake!!!

Don't mess with TEXAS!


I do agree. The third movie was way too "out there" and science fiction..y. It was way too over done. The first two movies looked realistic and felt real. But in the third, you have them driving in space and stuff like that. Special effects werent that great. Bright colors etc. On the moon with the alien girl etc. Too much. The second one was believable (the aliens) but the third was too out there. If they do make a 4th, hopefully its better. But if there driving around in space and stuff like that, then no, dont.



yeah. it takes place in 2048 in the first one. so it must be at least like 3050 now. I agree with everyone's posts how the third one was pretty lame...But you have to admit someone HAD to come up with ideas for the movie and they're ok. And if you're like a 12 or 13 year old person whose still watching Disney Channel...that's your fault. Disney Channel is for like 8 year olds. and everyone saying the special effects and actors sucked... do you really think they had much of a choice for actors and can afford top notch editors and special effect people? It's a Disney Channel movie. Yeah it went out on DVD but for the little kids. I totally agree with everyone saying it was'nt as good but i know from experience you get good ideas on the second and even numer books or movies. I don't know why but some people just do and maybe that's them. Maybe the fourth one will be really kool. We don't know all we can do is just hope it is.


I agree this one was stupid. You're in the future but Greek mythological characters are real???? Whose idea was THAT??!!!

Please forgive my spelling. I have dyslexia and I often make mistakes.


I agree. I always enjoyed watching the first two Zenon movies, but this one was really stupid, and the plot wasn't interesting at all.


Yeah, Z3 was over the top. It just felt too gimmicky. If they do a Z4, then it's best to bring it back down to earth. The first one, in my opinion was the best because it was a great balance between grounded and space. They also need to wear less space cloths. I doubt that they'd all wear stuff like that.


Eh, I thought it was obviously very "Disney Channel" in that sort of annoying waym, but for a younger age group it was rather cute...better than a lot of the stuff they show on Disney Channel.


It was good until they got to the moon. Then it went downhill with no signs of stopping.

