proto zoa?

hey guys.. well do you like this proto zoa (z3)
i dont.. i like the phillip rhyss proto zoa.. i think hes better..
well.. tell me what do you think


he totally stink! my favorite one was the first one


I liked the one from the first two movies. He had a better singing voice.


I just watched this movie and I havent seen it in a long time, and I just realized it's a different guy! I think the orginal guy is much better.

Ben: Look who made the trip with me.
Andie: It's our love fern! Oh, Bennie-boo-boo, boo-boo.


I actually like this PZ better. I thought he was cuter :)


The problem with this guy is that he tries WAY TOO HARD to act like the original Proto Zoa. They should have just left the Proto Zoa character out of the movie, since they couldn't get the original actor
