Mystery of Deki

Right after the scene Deki was taking bath there was a scene with a car (stereos were playing loud rock music) passing all travellers without stopping. The driver was Deki (or same actor), but her clothes and style were different from those she wear in middle of nowhere...did anyone else notice that? How would you explain this?


Yes, I saw that. I thought the scene was meant to show that the Deki "type" - ruthless, reckless and a little desperate - is eternal. Even in that brief scene, we can see that the woman in the car is focused only on her own desires, just like the woman in the ancient story.


The driver symbolized the siren call of America, fast cars, beautiful women. Deki was the siren call of women to Tashi.

Then again...maybe they didn't have enough money to hire a different actress.


I doubt it was to do with hiring another actress, then again who knows hiring someone to drive a car briefly in Bhutan could have been a deciding factor! haha

I think your initial point is more likely the reason though; also there's the whole element of reincarnation with Tibetan Buddhism, so that could be a factor, considering the director is the reincarnation of the last Bhutanese lama.
