MovieChat Forums > State's Evidence (2004) Discussion > Random thoughts on the film

Random thoughts on the film

I just picked this up at Blockbuster. I'm a sucker for independant and low-budget films so I commonly peruse differant movie stores for little treasures.

I really liked this one.
I found myself giggling a lot at the beginning, it all seemed incredibly cheesy, but as the movie progressed and the plot and characters developed, I really started to enjoy it.
I appreciate just how dark the director chose to go with the film.
There were a lot of parts that could have been held back for "taste" or "safety's sake" such as the rape/murder of the little girl, Tyrone being killed pointblank or the fact that after crying "I want to live!!", Scott did, in fact, die. I'm glad the director chose to not hold back.

There were a few things that bothered me, however.
First and foremost, the word "morbid" is misspelled on the synopsis on the back of the DVD ('moribd?). That was a big one.
Also, although Trudi's did she/didn't she suicide is obviously left for the viewers to decide, what DID happen to Sandy? There was a huge hole left with her character. You see her run and crumple in tears in the hallway but you never see her again. Did she run out of the school? Did Patrick shoot her? There was no "let the viewers decide" moment, her character just plain disappeared!
Lastly, the scene where Patrick pulls the girl aside and asks her if she believes in God before shooting her, I felt that was unnessecary and my reasons for that are not religious or moral, but because it was a line straight out of the witness reports from Columbine and I felt it was trying too hard to pull at the emotions some people felt from that event and took away from the "suicide game gone wrong" plot the entire rest of the movie had and pushed it more into a "lets shock em with a school shooting/mimic a real event". It seemed hokey.

Other than that, great job, good movie, welldone.


yeah i agree. i think the shooting of the "fatso" and the religious girl really made me despise patrick. i loved this movie though.


I loved the movie too. The only thing that bothered me was Sandy's overreaction to finding out what Patrick did to the girl. They were all planning on being dead the next day so why should anything still matter to them? It seemed like Patrick was the only one who understood that.

clear emotions guide / to the gates of open mind / leave the shame behind / peace is by your side


A few things I thought were cheesy.

Sandy screaming "You KILLED HIM" Over... and overr.. and over.

Same line time and time again. Vary it up a bit. JEEZ

The "stereotypical" goth/punk girl

Though I loved Scott, his dialoge was very wordy. I dont know anyone who talks like that in the real life.

Beth Broderick's (Who resembles Florence Henderson, no?) crying scene at the end was awful. I had no idea whether she was laughing or crying or what. I giggled.

Anyway, The film actually shocked me, which is so hard to do.

In the movie, a line was said about desensitized youth.

I also noticed the misspelling of "morbid" as well.

Who can miss that?

The only thing that really bothers me, is that I really would have like Scott to say he loves Sandy at the end of the film. Thats the girl in me. I think it would have been even more melodramatic had that happened.
