Can anyone?

Can anyone tell me how the members of Simple Plan die in this movie and if Patrick is in it and if and how he dies.

Thank You.


Has a link to the Simple Plan murder. I don't know who Patrick is, and I didn't watch this video .. but maybe it has what you are looking for.


Thank you for the help. I'm at school right now and cant watch it but I'll check it out when I get home. Thank You :)

March 5 2005, the day I'll never forget as the day Billie Joe mooned us!


Also, do you actually see all of them die or just Chuck and Jeff. (More importantly, is Pierre actually in it???)


yes he's in it, and his death is very lame.

Illusions Micheal. A trick is something a whore does for money...or candy.


i saw all of them but david die, did i miss something, or did they never show it?

"I love you like the mother I had committed against her will."

