MovieChat Forums > My Date with Drew (2005) Discussion > Wow this board stinks of jealousy

Wow this board stinks of jealousy

You watch a guy get a date with Drew and you can't handle it.

widening the boards since 1882




widening the boards since 1882





Ah, this thread has seen a whole new batch of Drew Crew puppets emerge.


No kidding. I've never seen a movie board get slammed as badly as this one.

I finally saw this movie today and I absolutely loved it, but I was afraid if I posted something that captvanhalen guy would start going on about it for days. Oh no! I said I loved the movie! I must be somehow connected with the film! My post is irrelevant! I must have just created my account minutes before posting! I'm not allowed to like something that captvanhalen doesn't like - therefore, I must be a sockpuppet!

CVH: Dude, get bent. Go to Wal-Mart and buy a life or something. Quit trashing everyone on the board just because they have a different opinion than you. If you don't like it, fine, but why be such an @$$ about it?



I've only done a bit of skimming on this message board but so far Capt. insane has yet to convince me that people make accounts just to promote movies. Well, on a large scale at least. I won't put my foot in my mouth and say NO ONE does it, but certainly those that do represent a miniscule party on IMDB. Capt. - I know you didn't ask for *my* opinion on people making false accounts...but I'm going to indulge your curiosity anyhow :) I think that if you want to make a false name, and promote some movie, you're a coward. Make your actual name, and tell us why you're here. As for the cowards who DO make false names, eh. I see no real harm. So they suckered some schmuck into seeing "Chairman of the Board" If you were sucker enough to believe them, maybe we should be questioning why YOU are on here. At any rate, this isn't life or death, so do us all a favor and slip yourself an extra valum(sp?) tonight. :)



Good lord. What do you do for a living? You need a hobby man. I have no agenda, aside from sharing my point of view. I'm so sorry that one person seems to have paranoid you beyond comprehension. Perhaps they need a hobby as well.....perhaps you two have more in common than first thought. ;-) Does it *really* matter how many posts someone has? You sound like a little yahooer kid "you're a newbie" are you going to "haXor" me next? As you can see, I don't exactly post VOLUMES, however, being computer and internet savvy, I'm pretty sure there is a way to report such offenders, as well as possibly block them from personal communication. I see this person is gone now as well - so I ask you, what IS the issue now? I suggest reflecting upon this for a while before responding. - I'd like to add to this....I've spent *maybe* 30mins researching a little bit about you. My previous comment about you needing a hobby...doesn't even begin to cover it. I do realize what you *think* you're trying to do on here, but must it be pointed out AGAIN to you that this is -THE INTERNET- ?? You have an i-relationship with someone named "littlesurfergirl" Seriously, seriously you need to be evaluating all of this. It's more that just slightly disturbing. And now I realize how far from the topic this has come, and I curse you for it. Yes, YOU. These boards should be for the discussion of movies, tv shows, games, etc. Not for the sick pleasure of living out some e-life that fills the endless void in your sad little head. If you see someone abusing the TOS for IMDB, report them, and leave it alone. Creating "i-ruckus" is just childish. Please grow up, not for my sake, but for your own.



Haha. Your paranoia is cute, but dangerous. Only to yourself of course. From what I could read of this "Steve" person's posts, if you think that I am he, you're giving him a compliment far beyond deserving. You don't want to do that now do you? The mindless drivel he posted is poorly compared to my insight, or yours. Don't dig your hole into this conspiracy ridden world any deeper. It simply isn't healthy. I was offering sound advice to you and yours, and you swiftly threw it out the window and cuddle in the security of your poor poor disillusioned mind. I pity you, I truly do.



You're right, they were deleted. However, YOU my small minded friend, copy+pasted several excerpts from his posts into yours. As I already stated, I did some research on you. Don't be so hasty, it makes you seem dull. :) And just to feed your curiosity, (though I have a feeling you already looked) this name was registered in July, by a friend of mine here at work. We use it on and off to look up movies for customers. I'm not the only one who uses this name for posting on the occasional slow day. Sorry to bust your bubble. Honest truth, I've never even seen this movie. This whole thing started out as a question from a customer who wanted to know about it. I could give a sh*t less really. Not my kinda scene. You, however, are GREAT entertainment. It's people like you that enforce the idea of selective breeding. As I have a bit more work to do this evening, I don't know that I'll have a chance to respond to any more of your silly questions. I may this weekend. Until then, toodles.



This is the INTERNET
Many forums on the internet contain valuable information which is provided freely by anybody. But this freedom is sometimes abused by people taking advantage of their anonymity for planting scams.
This "My Date With Drew" board has certainly been an example of such a plant, which was only derailed thanks to a few long-time posters like Captvanhalen, who kept questioning the sincerity of new comers.

"I'm pretty sure there is a way to report such offenders"?
Not an easy one, unless you challenge the shill to the point that they make a mistake. Once they are busted, other users of the board will report them alright and IMDb thus disable the account. Scores of such 'sockpuppets' accounts have been deleted, but only to reappear under another ID; whole threads have been deleted; even the whole board has been cleaned by the admins a couple of times.

I think you arrived after the battle, Bossspearman (which means I hope the battle is over now). But it was quite something, and not very pleasant.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm also sorry that the admins of IMDB are that poor. Perhaps someone should start another site. As you said "this is the internet" there are ways to stop people from abusing the site the way they have. It seems IMDB has not implemented any of these. It's truly a sad case. Perhaps the offenders will get bored one day. I doubt it. :) My question to you is this: do you think that you fuel these offenders by responding to their posts and threads? If what they are after is a response, wouldn't the best defense be to *not* respond? I know that can seem hard but really, we all know it's entirely possible. As far as Capt. Paranoia is concerned..I understand his frustration at the perpetrators....but seriously, I stand by all of my comments. He needs a hobby. And a "RL g/f" (real life girlfriend). Hah. Just a bit of "net humor" Valumm kids, valumm. ;-)


