He stole my idea!!!!

I swear, a few years before this came out (before I ever even heard of it), I had this exact same idea.

The difference was that in MY version, the goal was to get a date with Sandra Bullock. I live near Houston, and Sandra lives in the Austin area (a few hours from here). Plus, I really had a thing for her.

My first thought was simply "I wonder, if I really put my mind to it, could I actually get to meet Sandra Bullock". From that, I thought how cool it would be to get a camcorder and document all of my various attempts. I even had the idea of putting up a website, and thought how cool it would be if Sandra heard about it and thought it was a clever idea and I got to meet her that way.

Oh well, I guess the biggest difference between me and this guy is that he actually got off his butt and did it. I can't complain though because I am actually married and have two kids, which is the main reason I never actually followed through with my idea. Because I didn't have time, not because my wife would mind since I obviously would not be running off and getting married to Sandra - or even getting laid for that matter. My wife knows I have a thing for her and she wouldn't have minded. She actually liked the idea too.

A word of advice to anyone with an idea - DON'T PROCRASTONATE!



No one else laughed...






Haw haw!



HolyRomanEmperor- If this movie has taught everyone is to follow your dreams. So if you want to meet Sandra. Go for it.


HolyRomanEmperor- What this movie has taught everyone is to follow your dreams. So if you want to meet Sandra. Go for it.
