Dude you are SO GAY

Am I the only one who thinks so?


not gonna lie. I thought he was gay too. the whole date he had with Drew it was like watching Drew and Cameron Diaz have lunch or something






I think this should have been called "My Pity Date With Drew".



err I think he meant that Drew felt sorry for him. and I agree. it was also a publicity thing.





Personally I'm tired of people calling someone gay as an insult. Grow up people. It was a good movie and that was mainly because the lead was somewhat charasmatic



For the record:

I am gay and I do not consider it an insult or a put down.

Actually, I think Brian is pretty hot! But, this whole "Date with Drew" thing is pretty lame (= gay in my previous post).

Drew, if you want a date in Atlanta, give me a call!



jesus he's gay who is he trying to fool



As Shakespeare so intuitively said:

"The lady doth protest too much."


He did seem effeminate at times, especially while gushing w/ Drew on the "date," but I've known straight guys that are very effeminate and gay guys that are not.

Yes, a lot of the time the stereotype is true, but there are people that break the mold on either side. He may not be the most macho man around (a characteristic that I don't find very appealing anyway), but that doesn't mean he's gay.

Sans toi, les émotions d'aujourd'hui ne seraient que la peau morte des émotions d'autrefois.



Not only have you totally missed the point of the film intentionally to paint Brian as something he's not for your own self deluded enjoyment, but you'll never see 1% of 1/10 of the success Brian has seen and will see in his life time. The guy has no less than 4 scripts being put into production, just finished his first major directorial debut, working on a 2nd major feature as Director for one of the big 5, and has just gotten funding for a 3rd film he will be Directing. Not to mention he's been on Leno more times than your Mommy propbably ever told you she loved you.

Good luck living the Jealous life jack.



Proves you kjnow nothing about him. I know his Girlfriend and she's hotter than anyone you could ever hope to masturbate to. Now grow the hell up jealous boy!



Actually he's at a Film Festival where his Girlfriend is winning a Producing Award. But I don't expect you to comprehend the word Winner.



A. He's NOT gay. I know the guy personally and his Girlfriend who happens to be very successful in Hollywood. No, I'm NOT going to name her because I refuse to drag her into your game or the mud many of you jackoffs sling here.

B. IMDB doesn't list and isn't always up to date on what someone in the industry is doing. They often get dates and other info wrong or don't have current information. Much of what you see on ones page is supplied to IMDB by other members and not the person himself. Brian doesn't post on message boards and I don't upload info because it's not my place. But he is right now directing 2 films and has just been funded for a third.

Time will show who was right. Very soon, time will show you to be the jealous homophobic jackass you are. Even if Brian was Gay, you would still be a hateful little thug glued to your Gateway 2000 pounding away at the keys in your mom's basement taking only 10 minute breaks to wax your pole to internet porn.

Be a proud Loser!



So refute me ass. I know the guy, you don't. I know his Girlfriend and again, you don't. Refute me.

And we're not done by a long shot. It's not your style. Unless of course you plan on switching screen names ..............again.



Who cares what this guy's sexuality is, seriously?

Anyway, it's my understanding that he met his girlfriend while working on "My Date With Drew". :) Interesting twist on things.. that he meets his true love while working on a film having to do with his childhood crush. :)

And anyway, as someone else posted, who cares even if he IS gay or bi or whatever. Why is this even an issue?


