So Many Haters Out There!

Ok, it wasn't "The Godfather". It still was very cute. Was it real? Was it staged? Does it really matter? It's a movie, meant to entertain, not to inform or educate. So you think he's a big loser because he had a crush on Drew? Well I guarantee that most if not all people have at least one person, a childhood fantasy that we'd love to indulge in if given the chance. Do you hate it because you feel duped, think it was a hoaxe or fake, or do you hate it because if it IS true then he did what most of us only dream of.

Real, fake, whatever the purpose of "My date with drew" I thought it was far better than I expected it to be and I thought Brian was very sweet and charming. Those "haters" out there probably only feel that way because they're jealous.



I see your point, but it's just like "blair witch project"; whether the set-up is true or false I still felt it was worth the price of my ticket.

No matter what he actually paid or his backers paid to produce this film; it still was just a movie, a story.

When I refer to people being "jealous" what I'm implying is that this guy (brian) made a film, whether it was made for 1100 or whatever. He pursued something he was passionate about and got it done, even if he did have to b.s. a little along the way.



It's still a false set-up designed to sell movie tickets; which movie was better is not relevant.



In one post, drosz22, you say it cost more than $350,000. Then, on this particular thread, you said more $750,000. So which is it? And why do you feel it's your duty to bash this guy so much? Personal vendetta? Nothing better to do? He called you a dork in high school or something? He made an interesting movie, whether it be real or fake, who gives a crap? Children of Men states people won't be able to have kids come the year 2019. If we can, is that a fraud? No. It's the premise/gimmick of the movie. And the BWP did in fact present itself as being a real documentary, so it is exactly the same. Different genres of movie, but committed the same "fraud".



drosz22, in the thread "Was this a real event" started by "nicihei" you said it cost $350,000. Here you said it cost $750,000.

Might I ask the following questions:

1) Where you are getting these figures from?

2) Why is that in one instance you said it was $350,000 and in the other instance $750,000?

3) Why are you so verbally abusive?




Way to nit-pick like a little fag, Roddy. Your posts are littered with misspellings and retarded grammar. You're one to talk.

That rug really tied the room together.



Wow! I never post anything on these message boards, but I think you are the one who needs to get a life. We already have enough "haters" in the world. All I can say is that I am truly glad that I am not you, downing on any small thing you can.


I'm not sure about Rodney Platt but this was a horrible movie. I tend to rate movies a little high but this one was numbingly bad.I am glad I paid only 3 dollars for it but still feel ripped off. My advice, RUN!!! when this title rears its head



By request...

Here's the $350,000 link:

And here's another one where someone posted a photo. You were not part of the conversation before that and you jumped in and was verbally abusive:

Not only that... you changed the subject to a verbally abusive one as well.

Well I wasn't really going to reply but since you've requested for the links... here they are.

By the way it would be nice to state your sources of your information as well rather than just saying you found a source, then found a new source. Do you have proof that you obtained some of this information from Brian directly? I mean... if you've obtained it from Brian directly, why would you need those two other sources, which, I might add, are not even referenced?

Ah well, you're probably going to either hurl abuse at me or have some really excellent reason for this. Either way, oh well, I guess there's not much point in this conversation anyway you obviously think the best way to talk on a message board is like you've responded to that girl.



Firstly, post-production is not $1100 and Brian did not claim that. It cost $1100 to make, I'm not sure about the camera but it would be good if you have a reference. I asked for references and you still do not have any.

Secondly, you said that you were never verbally abusive to anyone before they were to you. However in the girl's case you were. I'm sorry but you cannot change that.

Goodbye drosz22.



I don't think that "make" means the whole cost and nowhere does it say that.

Someone asking for your opinion does NOT invite verbal abuse. I can't believe you've justified it that way. But then again, you're you.

Well I just don't have the time or even care to continue this... and that's the truth. If you think I'm backing out, I'm not liable to fulfil your fantasies of trying to be victorious on a messageboard.






I'm not a hater of the movie...I'm actually watching it for the 2nd time right now. (Saw it like 2 years ago on tv in the middle of the night). My first thought was "wow this guy is annoying". But to be honest, at the end of the movie I was like "that's awesome, I want to make my movie". (I've always wanted to be a filmmaker or be involved in movies somehow). He's a flamboyant hairy annoying jewish guy, but he followed his dream. The guy himself is super annoying, regardless of whether hes gay, jewish, whatever biased you hold against him, I thought his voice and mannerisms were cringeworthy. But I have to applaud him for doing it. Sure the budget may have been more than 1100, but the premise is still the same. The guy wanted to have a date with drew, and thats what happened.

"Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them. I don't give a *beep* how crazy they are!"


by Timmyboy312 10 hours ago (Tue Jan 6 2009 10:24:41)
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply
I'm not a hater of the movie...I'm actually watching it for the 2nd time right now. (Saw it like 2 years ago on tv in the middle of the night). My first thought was "wow this guy is annoying". But to be honest, at the end of the movie I was like "that's awesome, I want to make my movie". (I've always wanted to be a filmmaker or be involved in movies somehow). He's a flamboyant hairy annoying jewish guy, but he followed his dream. The guy himself is super annoying, regardless of whether hes gay, jewish, whatever biased you hold against him, I thought his voice and mannerisms were cringeworthy. But I have to applaud him for doing it. Sure the budget may have been more than 1100, but the premise is still the same. The guy wanted to have a date with drew, and thats what happened.

Well I disagree with the annoying bit. I know Brian personally and you can't find better friends than those like him. He not only has stayed in touch with Drew and became good friends but he's also very well respected in Hollywood with people like Jay Leno, Steven Spielberg, Mark Harman, and Quentin Tarantino. In the next five years you're all in for some surprises as to what he'll be doing and directing. The actual production budget stayed within the $1100 when he had carted it around to Studios and Film Festivals where it won many awards. It wasn't until a distributor was added into the mix that they added to the budget for Marketing, Distribution and Song rights.


geeez, drosz, why don't you first go and LEARN how film budgets work. Start with .

As a broadcast technician in L.A., the picture on the DVD looks just like what you'd expect to get from a good DV camera at Circuit City, without augmented lighting and with a good colorist. If you want an example of what a more expensive professional camera with basic lighting looks like, just watch the DVD's bonus short. (And when a production uses a $90,000 camera such as the Sony HDCAM FDW-900, they don't BUY it, they RENT it.)

Was the movie's total cost $1,100? No. Were the production costs $1,100? I have no reason to disbelieve that. The DVD bonus short talks about Andrew Reimer, who secured budget for post production, probably in the 5 or 6 figures, for proper sound mixing, color correction, opening and ending graphics, a 35mm film-out ($20-30k), composite and release prints (a few thousand dollars for each), etc. Publicity costs would run even higher, and are typically not included in a film's budget - the distributer takes the liability as part of the deal.

There's nothing unusual about the way the budgeting worked out, it's the classic way low-budget films hope to reach wide distribution. Once Herzlinger got the Barrymore footage and knew he could make a viable film out of it, they edited the movie on a low-budget friend's system, and went with it to festivals. Based on the strong positive responses, an investor went on board, so they could afford the professional sound design, color correction and film print that are necessary to bring the movie to the quality level today's markets expect to see.

And anyway, if you think the whole premise was ruined by abusing the advertised "$1,100", you really missed the point of the movie.


Sorry, I meant the HDW-F900.



