Dry Drew or Booze Drew?

Okay, I'm confused. I thought Drew was famously and very publicly "clean and sober". So why is she drinking wine on "The Date"?









im guessing she considers wine different than hard alcohol, coke, and weed.

Hawks are the FUTURE


There's a distinct difference between getting plastered and having a little bit of wine during dinner.


While your statement is true for much of the general population, recovering addicts generally recognize that they must abstain from any and all alcohol.



AA's approach is complete abstinence, but their are other approaches. For example their are programs that treat alcoholics like food addicts and teach moderate drinking. (More common in Europe.)


Yah, people who have an abuse problem with any substance can't say to themselves "ok, I'll still o it just not like I used to". Alcoholics who used to have hard liquor as their drink of choice can't just switch to wine or beer and and solve their problems. Alcoholics can't drink alcohol. Period. It's just FAR to easy to relapse and slip back into old ways.


I just watched the movie last night and I wondered about this. Sorry to see that many old replies have been deleted.

To an alcoholic, there's no difference. Sober means completely dry.

And if she is sober, a fan would know this, and wouldn't even have the conversation about what she likes to drink. The answer would be soda or water.


Yeah you people need to grow up. Drew is an adult what's the big deal about having some wine with dinner. DORKS.


Drew had a very public battle with cocaine when she was young. That was her main addiction that she overcame. A few drinks at dinner doesn't mean she's off the wagon.



she was addicted to cocaine then got clean. never to alcohol. Idoit.


When you call someone an idiot, make sure you spell it right,IDIOT!


"When you call someone an idiot, make sure you spell it right,IDIOT!"

LOL! that was funny!


Wow, lots of deleted posts in here, I guess things got a little heated in this thread? :)

Well, this confused me too. I was sure Drew very publicly went through AA, so I was surprised as well. I remember thinking when he had his "test" date, and didn't know what wine to order, that it didn't matter, because Drew didn't drink. So I too was surprised when she not only drank, but said she was starting to get drunk.

I'm no Drew expert though. Maybe her rehab was just for drugs, like others said. Also, I know the AA way of complete abstinance isn't accepted by everyone as the ONLY way to recover. It could be she's just able to have a few drinks now, without getting plastered.

She clearly doesn't mind that the public knows she drinks - she knew she was on camera.

“I always tell the truth…even when I lie” - Scarface


Her rehab was for drugs and alcohol but she was never an alcoholic, and I think that's the difference. She can handle a few drinks without needing more and she's not addicted - Her alcoholism as a child was more due to the situations she was in and not actually being an alcoholic herself.
Her motto now is "everything in moderation" so she drinks sometimes but not excessively. I find that interesting because her father WAS an alcoholic and Drew had said herself she has an addictive personality, but obviously she's not drunk all the time so it must be working for her.


oh my, she sipped a glass of wine on film, is prohibition over or what...

guess Drew should have checked into a 12 step program immediately after her date with brian....

leave it to some troll on the internet to dig this out of their miniscule brain matter...
