My thoughts

Well, the concept is ok ...

I mean, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't like to meet their idol just to say "hi" have a chat & a cup of coffee/pint, but for ****'s sake, this is dragged out and built up soooooooo much that by the end of it, when he does actually meet Drew, it all appears so false.

"Here's my present"
"Thank you. Here's MY present"
"Thank you. Nice to meet you. Goodbye"

Drew does appear to be a lovely person in real life, but Brian or whatever his name is does appear borderline stalker. Obsessed doesn't even come close to the way he is/was.

And when he had met her, he sounded like every stereotype of Americans I've seen - he just wouldn't shut up. If I was Drew, I would have just sat there thinking "oh for ****'s sake, zip it, gob boy".

The End
