what do you think

what does anyone think of this movie?




'Twas... I LOVE TLBT movies, and own all 12 of them... so far... but DAMN! This was one HELL of a sad movie!!! I was BAWLING at the end for pete's sakes!!! AND I NEVER CRY DURING MOVIES!!! (I guess it was sadder for me then anyone because my dad passed away... I started bawling when that song "Me and My Dad" came on...)

Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross)..."BURRITO INCIDENT!!!" LOLZ!!!


This movie was awesome! I guess I liked it so much cuz it tied in with the origional.



I love it. The best of the sequels, it's as close as Universal ever got with the series to matching the original. Still not too close, but what are you gonna do? The original was a masterpiece.

The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness. - George Carlin
