
I'm sure this was a great film but I don't hear anyone around my church mentioning watching this movie. We hope to rent out a theater to have a private screening of the Passion for Ash Wednesday. Not saying one's better then the other I don't think this movie got a wide spread viewing.



I just saw The Gospel of John and it was very powerful to see the Book of John being played out like that. I think everybody should see it.


You don't Talk about the Gospel of john for one reason, mel gibson didn't make significant donations to the catholic church for the gospel of john. Knowing that they would plug his movie. This is the worst Kind of blasfamy I have ever heard of. You will all burn in your own version of your own wasteland of sinners.

I can't spell but I am smarter than you.

Yours Truly,



Not only can you not spell, but your grammar is atrocious as well. Good Lord.


The Gospel of John is an independent film from Canada. It lacks a big name, it was produced by a Jewish man (Garth Drabinski), it is 3 hours long. Yet, it surpasses the Mel Gibson movie in every way I can think of.

It is reverent, accurate, and faithful to the scriptures - word for word.
The character of Christ is very well developed and the crucifixion is not overdone.

The call of the Apostles is beautiful. I felt strong emotion throughout this wonderful film. One gets a powerful sense of the charisma of Jesus, of his humanity, his virility, and his love for people.

There aren't any devils or ghoul-children to be seen in the Gospel of John. Peter is called Satan at one point but this is not like the horror show of the Passion.

I highly recommend the Gospel of John. It is well suited for long term study within your church.


Agreed! 100%! The Gospel of John is a better movie than The Passion (yes, I saw both) and strangely MORE inflamitory! I say that because, like the Gospel account of the same name, this movie shows the "conspiracy" to kill Jesus by certain people very clearly. Still, nobody's complaining that the movie is antisemetic. Why? There's no point. Who're they gonna go after? CHRISTOPHER PLUMMER?
I don't know that I should choose a favorite, but I've always preferred John's account, mainly for it's presentation of Jesus. He was a real person, who laughed and cried- not some stiff who walked around with a deathly grim look all the time and no sense of humor.
This movie was wonderful. I'll get the DVD is July. Maybe several of them. It can be a great tool to spread the gospel. If that's not your desire, it's just a good movie.

I shall owe thee an answer for that...


Have you considered that perhaps the point of The Passion is different from the point of this movie?



If one were a Christian, and agreed that the two movies had different points, then they would consider the source material, and perhaps come to the conclusion that one movie is attempting to visually convey a point that God Himself is making, while the other is making a point on behalf of certain directors and screenwriters. I'll leave it to you to discern which movie is making which point for whom. I imagine it's obvious which way I'm leaning.


One could assume that if one wanted, but I see no reason God could not convey multiple points in His Gospels.

It seems to me that the point of one is the lessons Jesus taught and the life he led as a model for others, and the point of the other is the sacrifice He made, again as a model for others. Both points could be conveyed in the same work, but it would require a longer screen time, making it more difficult to get the point across to a wide audience, and it might well serve to overly complicate the flow of a film. Again, I see no reason not to look at these as two completely different works, each accomplishing its own valid purpose.


I think that was a good response (Eric), but personally, the main reason I am so disillusioned and reluctant to support the Passion probably results from my skepticism at the way Jesus is used, often incorrectly. I think the things he said (in addition the sacrifice he made) are radical, and that few people realize how revolutionary and amazingly beautiful his teachings are. In large part, it seems to be because, as Barbara Enrich (I know I spelled that wrong) pointed out in her book Nickel & Dimed, modern day Christianity seems to be crucifying Jesus again & again, without ever letting the precocious socialist ever get a word out of his mouth. We seem to forget the gospel of unconditional love, forgiveness, & grace that he taught so eloquently.

Musings of teenage angst,


A beautiful statement, Claire. In these horrible days of constant warfare and strife, we need to remember the radical words of Christ: love, forgiveness, grace, compassion and understanding. Concentration on violence demeans the subject and desensitizes us. I do not think that watching such violence will make those people any more sensitive to the fact that there is no difference between the bombing of Iraqi children or dragging of Americans through the streets. I do not think that it will make those people actually be concerned about their fellow man, no matter where he or she lives. "The Gospel of John" concentrates on the radical message that Jesus brought to the world. And as I look around, I find His message all the more critical and more radical than anyone who has ever lived.


hey there,

i had seen *passion of the christ* on opening night in my city of nanaimo, BC, the theatre as i guessed would eventually be packed....

at the point in which i had seen the movie, i did not know that the *gospel of john* existed, ( i mean in movie form )....however, i would really like to see this movie as i just found out from reading Vancouver's newspaper that it does exist and so i came here to check out the boards and such.

unfortunately, the movie did not come to Nanaimo, and is only playing in 5 theatres in BC, im hoping it comes out on DVD...does anyone have any info about that?



It probably would've been a better idea to start your own thread on the Gospel of John boards with such a post.
Anyways, Amazon Canada says that it'll be released there on April 6. All you had to do was look in the "SHOP" box in the upper right hand corner of the main page for this movie on IMDB, then click on DVD in Canada, and you could've figured it out all by yourself!
Other than that, the official site for the movie (which can also be reached by clicking a link on the main page for this movie on IMDB) has been selling the DVD online for nearly six months.


For the person who took noted details of the flaws of the movie, I ask why was she/he watching for? Jesus bloopers? I have to wonder why one watches a Biblical film and points out flaws rather than look at the message of the gospel? Hmmm just curious.



I went back through and scanned all of the posts on this thread and didn't see a single one in which someone "took noted details of the flaws of the movie" or pointed out "Jesus bloopers" or anything like that. What are you talking about?


Although i'm not a christian, but i think this is a great movie! even my parents think so. although the starts seems a little boring (no offence) but the things that were said in the movie really got me into thinking. i have not seen passion of the christ yet so i wouldn't say one is better than the other. i definitely think that this movie should be given more publicity.

When Someone Gives You Love, Try Not To *beep* On It.


I bet it will later... Anyhow the was the best Jesus Movie I have ever seen.


I agree...the best Jesus movie, and the best dramatic Jesus ever!


"I am telling you the truth!"


terrible terrible terrible!! worst Jesus movie ever! 3 of the most painful hours of my life


IT BLEW. nuff said.
