Whole Series

They are, I believe shooting the Gospel of Mark right now. Ultimately, 11 New Testament books will be translated to film in the same manner, and also many Hebrew Bible books as well (I heard 1+2 Samuel ofter Mark).
The director/producers/writers consulted scholars (the visual Bible society) unlike "The Gibson" which rejected modern critical scholarship.
I hope the series gets its due.


I would love to see the project come to fruition, but even if it does, how much exposure will it get?


"not my will but Yours be done" Luke 22:45


I hope that they continue to use Ian as Jesus. For all of the movies about Jesus, this actor has played Jesus as what I would try to imagine Him to be during His earthly ministry. And it's good to see a movie that is true to the Scriptures and not based on visions a mystic nun experienced in the 19th century like Gibson used. Nothing Biblical about a mystic experience.


I hope the director will do the Book of Acts in the future and other books which involves the Apostle Paul.



The Visual Bible has, unfortunately, already released their version of Acts. I say unfortunately because it was VERY poorly made. The only upside to it is that it was word-for-word from the NIV. This was the second release from Visual Bible. The first was Matthew, which had the same strength that I mentioned for Acts, as well as the talents of Richard Kiley in the role of older Matthew, and therefore the narrator, and Bruce Marchiano, who may not have the looks, voice, or presence of anyone's idea of Jesus, but he sure does portray the heart of Jesus dead on. Other than these things, Matthew doesn't really have anything going for it either. The third release from Visual Bible was John, which was amazing thanks to an entirely new team that took over at Visual Bible after a series of unfortunate incidents. Although I know it's not gonna happen, I too hope that maybe one day these guys will go back and remake Acts. As for the Epistles, I imagine that they're near the bottom of their to do list in the series, but I hope that I'm wrong on that one.


They might do a remake of Acts, if so here's my ideal cast:


Henry Ian Cusick as Jesus Christ

Stuart Bunce as John
Daniel Kash as Simon Peter
Tristan Gemmill as Andrew
Elliot Levey as Nathanael
Andrew Pifko as Philip
Andy Velasquez Jr. as Thomas the Twin
Salvatore Antonio as Judas (Not Iscariot)

Diego Matamoros as Nicodemus
Jan Filips as Joseph of Arimathea

Diana Berriman as Virgin Mary
Lynsey Baxter as Mary Magdalene


Mark Womack as Paul of Tarsus
Paul Haigh as Barnabas
Crispian Belfrage as Silas
Hugh Dancy as Timothy

Matthew Roberts as Matthias

Edward Hardwicke as Gamaliel
Aidan McArdle as Stephen
David Threlfall as Ananias of Damascus
Melinda Kinnaman as Dorcas
Ian Duncan as Cornelius

Ben Cross as Sergius Paulus
Christian Kohlund as Elymas

Georgia Mackenzie as Lydia of Phillippi

Owen Teale as The Commander in Jerusalem

Brian Blessed as Governor Felix of Caesarea
Timothy Dalton as Governor Festus of Caesarea

Richard Dillane as King Agrippa
Georgina Rylance as Queen Bernice


The International Bible Society is planning film production of The Gospel According To John, based Word for Word in the New International Version of the Bible.

