Christopher Plummer RAWKS!

I really enjoyed listening to him as the narrator. <-My webcomic
"Jesus saves, everyone else takes damage" -Tshirt


From what I saw of this movie, the narrator was the part that irked me the most. It's not because he did a bad job, but just because the role of the narrator was just a bad idea and was executed even worse (worsely?).

Namely, in a visual medium, a narrator is supposed to explain things that can't be shown in detail visually. This narrator explains everything, including things that the actors themselves are supposed to communicate.

Furthermore, he was sometimes narrating the events slightly after they occured. The main instance of this was the washing of the feet. Jesus crossed the room and then knelt down to wash the first pair of feet. Then, and only then, does the narrator mention him crossing the room, if I remember correctly.

"I'm the RA, and as the RA, I'm supposed to be the fun-sucker. I *beep* the sun."
-Abe Christiansen



Jesus rose from the table, crosses the room, and removes his outer garment.
It's at this point that the narrator speaks and says:

"So he rose from the table, took off his outer garment and tied a towel around his waist". Yes, Jesus has already crossed the room and removed his clothes when this is said, however the narrator says "tied a towel around his waist", right when Jesus is tying the towel around his waist.

Even the disciples exchanged puzzled looks to each other as they didn't know what Jesus was about to do. I didn't mind the narration throughout the film at all. In fact, I loved it. I knew the story of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples, but did not realize he had done it in this way. I found the whole scene humbling and moving... even with the narration.


