Finns used German equipment

It's unfortunate but inevitable. People who read history, like me, admire Finland's struggle against the Soviet Union. We will have to repeatedly defend Finland's decision to ally itself with Nazi Germany for the major purpose of obtaining military weapons, equipment, and supplies. You could say it was like making a deal with the devil, but the Finns were desperate for their national survival and had really no other options. But at least the Finns would hold on to their socialist democracy and refuse any association with fascism and nazism.

Finland, by geopolitical historical standards, was and still is a minor European nation somewhere 'out there' in Europe's backwater. Finland and its people have never harbored any European superiority pretenses nor pursued wars of territorial aggression. Sad to think, regrettably, that in the decades after WWII, British diplomats coined the term, 'finlandization', a derogatory term for any country letting itself be bullied by a larger neighbor into willingly modifying its foreign policy to the benefit of the bully.
