Dizzy Blonde :

I like Jessica Simpson, well... she's ok.

But, why did they decide to make this character as a blonde instead I wonder?!

I can see someone like Carmen Electra playing this part. What the hell were they thinking anyway by changing Daisy Duke?!? The character "Daisy" should have stay a brunette.............. sorry folks! Jessica got this part because of the whole young "Hollywood" crap, & they thought she maybe( & I do mean maybe ) could pull in a much bigger audience& sells! yeah right!

Just because her Reality Tv show had high rating doesn't mean she can act & people are going to go out their way to see her in films.

http://s56.photobucket.com/albums/g165/therealCarmen/Sexy-02-june.gif :: { }


I diasgree, in part, with:

Just because her Reality Tv show had high rating doesn't mean she can act & people are going to go out their way to see her in films.

You see, THAT IS TRUE, but it does NOT mean she canNOT act either! So, indeed, people were going to see the film, among OTHER reasons, to see what she CAN DO. It was not my MAIN reason to see the film, but I have never get the idea to NOT go see the film, once I know Jessica was in.

You see, what you said is true, but is not an argument that makes people... move, or not move.


I have to disagree jessica got he part because she looks good and she could pul off A Southern accent a lot better than Carmen could have!

