DVD Release Date?

Hey all,

Quick question, as I have checked every site I know of but have only managed to come up with a general month for release on DVD of September. Does anyone happen to have any insider information on a more specific release date for this movie. It's kind of an unusual request, but I run the video department for a store in Butte, and I don't want to be caught off guard by demand. The sooner I have a release date for this, the sooner I can e-mail the store's distributors to ensure that I have enough sale/rental copies to meet demand. I've had questions about this movie for the past year, and they've really increased since the movie was released, theatrically. Any help would be great, as this is going to be a big movie for my department, and I, personally, would be really greatful if anyone knows.



August 8th 2006.
