MovieChat Forums > Destino (2003) Discussion > Heads up about Destino

Heads up about Destino

I'm a newcomer to the wonders of Destino since I saw it on the last day of the Dali exhibit at LACMA, but the instant I saw the storyboards then the short film, I fell in love with it.
After being frustrated about knowing that copies exist since the museums show it but not up for sale, I called Disney and asked what in the world was going on. After being transfered to multiple people, I found out that as for this year, they have nothing planned for it and aren't even on the computers to schedule ANYTHING for it. Apparently nothing is happening to the film and they don't plan to release it anytime soon since the lady said that nothing was on the database about the film at all.

It got me rather angry because if museums have a copy, WHY CAN'T DALI APPRECIATORS HAVE A COPY TOO?! Is it that hard to release a DVD? I know I'm being bitter and impatient, especially compared to people who've been waiting for this for YEARS, but it's frustrating that Disney said that it'll be available in 2007 and it isn't.

So that's my schpeel so that people know what's going on as for now.


I suppose their excuse could be worry about the demand, and how in the world to produce an entire DVD around a 6 minute feature film. It's easy to lend copies to art museums, the perfect viewing locale. The masses get to see it, and for most of them, they figure, that much exposure is enough.

So, I would guess the biggest problem is the running time.

The solution would be to make a supplement "Making-of" documentary to pair with it on the DVD, along with other special features. I've read posts saying a "Making-of" was in progress, so maybe they're just looking for material to finish it.

However, in business it's truly "demand = results," because if they KNOW something will sell, they're going to get it out there on the market as QUICK as possible. "Lost"'s 1st and 2nd season scores were released during the same year due to customer demand.

We just gotta keep the pressure on. But if they're only going to sell 10,000 copies to devoted fans... for all the production costs, their hesitation might make some sense.

I say that to console myself, I think... because it really doesn't make sense when a Disney-Dali collaboration finally completed after 58 years doesn't get a DVD release while movies like "Meet the Spartans" will probably be flooding your local Blockbuster very, very soon.


You have a great point but the thing is, they're not even planning to do ANYTHING about it anytime soon. They're not even working on the documentary/making-of, which is making me upset.
I really wouldn't mind having a DVD with the short film and as a special feature, have an image gallery of Dali's sketches.
If they're worried about demand, my selfish self thinks, "Why not make it a "e-mail us if you want a copy" thing? I guess it IS a hassle, but I just WISH they would hurry up and get the DVD going.


A Walt Disney press release confirms this for November, 2008:

Press Release exerpt:

Walt Disney Home Entertainment is proud to release some of the most extraordinary treasures from the Disney vault on DVD November 11, 2008 in a limited supply. All three new two-disc sets of "Destino," "Dr Syn, Alias the Scarecrow," and "Chronological Donald, Volume 4" will make up the eighth installment ofthe popular series Walt Disney Treasures, which features rarely seen footage presented with updated color and sound.

"Destino" began in 1946 as a collaboration between Walt Disney and the famed surrealist painter Salvador Dali. A first-hand example of Disney's interest in avant garde and experimental work in animation, "Destino" was to be awash with Dali's iconic melting clocks, marching ants and floating eyeballs. However, "Destino" was not completed at that time. In 2003 it was rediscovered by Walt's nephew, Roy E. Disney, who took on the challenge of bringing the creation of these two great artists to fruition. In addition to the completed "Destino," this exciting addition to the Walt Disney Treasures line also includes an all-new feature-length documentary that examines the surprising partnership between Dali and Disney plus two new featurettes; "The Disney That Almost Was" an examination of the studio's unfinished projects; and "Encounters with Walt," which addresses the surprisingly diverse group of celebrities and artists who were attracted to Walt Disney's early work.,285180.shtml


Thank you very much for posting this for all of us!
Now we can stop wondering.
