MovieChat Forums > Dear Frankie (2005) Discussion > This is why UK films are so much better ...

This is why UK films are so much better than hollywood tripe

This film was real, real emotion, real acting, unlike pretentious cliche driven big budget rubbish that comes out of hollywood nowadays.


It's always a sign of a lack of knowledge to make sweeping statements like that. Are you really trying to say that everything that comes out of Hollywood is "pretentious cliche driven big budget rubbish"?

Hollywood caters to the mass market. Films like this are lucky to meet budget, which is why they depend on lottery cash.

Horses for courses. Hollywood makes some crap, so do we, so do all film-makers. Just be happy that you've seen a nice example of film-making and don't try to compare apples with oranges.


My younger brother actually said "I hope this is a hollywood movie"
meaning "I hope it ends happyly with everything working out in the end and the mother and stranger getting married."

I'm very glad it didnt turn out like that.

This movie was just lovely,
it was so genuine and beautiful.
The scene where Frankie's mother says that Frankie's deafness was a present from his da was brilliant.

If it had have ended 'happyly' there is no way I would have enjoyed it nearly as much.

Oh and I cried.

There's my two cents.

Do you want me to stab you in the eye with my knife? - Ziva David


Did your brother like the movie?


Opening post: Baloney.

"Dear Frankie" was so so so affected.

It was bending over backward so far NOT to be a Hollywood movie that it went splat.

There is nothing wrong with artistry.

Making a movie in which every one of the main adult characters is a giant hemorrhoid doesn't equal great art.

I'm working class and I've lived through domestic violence. This movie didn't speak for me. It made working class women look like glum, idiotic, drudges.

And there was no artistry here.

The child actor playing Frankie was the best part.

Gerard Butler is always wonderful.

The rest of the movie was so affected with affectations of "realness" that it grated.

They had to go to lousy, unnattractive settings for their special day. Frankie had to NOT ask the cute girl to dance. Gerard Butler had to disappear. The mother had to break her kid's heart and tell him that a piece of excrement was his father.

I wish the grandmother, the wrinkled haggie heavy smoker, had died on camera of a heroin overdose. that would have made it all perfect.


Can you not just like the film with out being disparaging?

A good film is a good film, regardless of who makes it. As for the non Hollywood ending - I don't recall Casablanca (very Hollywood) or Chinatown (in Hollywood) ending with the couple going off together either.


While your statement is overbroad, I think I understand what you mean - those awful Hollywood blockbusters like Moses?! I do, generally, prefer independent and foreign films. But there are many good films that do, and have, come out of Hollywood.

"Wow. Our town has only had a Whole Foods for three weeks and we already have our first gay kids."
