Hisoka: Seme or Uke?

This has been brought up many times in message boards. I wanted to know what people here thought. Do you think Hisoka is a seme or an uke?

Personally, I prefer him as a seme. More likely if he's to be paired with Tsuzuki. Most fans like to throw him in the uke category based on his looks and height. I, however, disagree.

Everytime I look at him and consider his personality, situation, etc, he just comes off as a very dominate boy to me. If people were to look past his height and looks, one could tell he has the personality of your generic aggressive seme from most mangas.

Plus, it's official that if he had reached 18 before he died, he would've been taller than Tsuzuki anyway. =P

That, and Tsuzuki has enough uke-ness in him to almost rival Shuichi. XD

I hate close-minded sub purists...


I completely agree that hisoka is mostly the dominant figure and tsuzuki is the submissive in terms of their relationship. I think also that they take turns in that role (as in most relationships) of supporting each other and being the protector. I think it's unrealistic and unsatisfying for a character to be one or the other. I am all about shades of gray. Like the way tsuzuki is happy go lucky yet suicidal or the way hisoka can push people away but cares very deeply about others. Makes me have more stake in their characters and the story is more gripping. That is why this is my favorite anime at present (behind escaflowne, maybe even ahead of in some areas).


Okay, um. I think of Hisoka as an UKE. But then again;; i've got no idea what Tsuzuki's considered. Since he acts all tough with Hisoka & then all weak around Muraki.

Get away from me. You're getting on my nerves again. You're cramping my style and I feel smothered


Personally, I think he could go either way. Especially with Tsu-chan. :D They each have characteristics of seme and uke, so I think it works quite well. <~~~~ *happens to be a devoted TsuSoka fangirl*

But, with anyone else... eh. *shrugs* Most notably is the wretched Muraki (sorry, I just loathe him with every fiber of my being *twitch*). Now, that guy seems to have a talent for making pretty much ~anyone~ submissve before him, so... yeah.

Really, it's all a matter of strengths and weaknesses in the person he's "paired" with at the time (think fanfiction lol) that bring out the best and worst in Hisoka himself.
