Who do you want to win?

Who do you want to win?




I want defuser to win nothing against hyperstrike but Hygena sure she's a female like me but a hero that uses a feather duster?

So Defuser for me


I just don't want hygena to win.I'd say the defuser.


I don't like Hygena that much. I don't see why people would read about a superhero that reminds them of their mother.


I agree, I see no reason for her to still be on the show other than to have one female still in the lair.

Remember, folks... stimulation of the C.L.I.T is not recommended.


I vote for Hyperstrike!


I want to see Hyperstrike win
I can't stand Defuser he's dull and bossy
Hyperstrike would compliment last year's choice real well if they do some sort of thing combining the winning heroes

"..a place that is just as real but not as brightly lit. A DARKSIDE!"


oh jeez i hate the defuser

hygena is okay.

but hyper strike...


i want hyper strike to win. hygena is back up if hyper loses.

| ||_))



I like Hyperstrike but he seems more of like a sidekick to me, there is no Equity in a HYgena charachter and im suprised she has lasted this long
the most consistent charachter is The Defuser and he is the one that has the most leadership. I want Hyperstrike to win but I doubt he will.
Hygena is only here cause all the other girls sucked whipsnap woulda beat her if she wasnt crying the whole season


I'm voting for the Defuser, though I could live with Hyper Strike, too. I'm still amazed that Hygena has lasted this long. The woman has put up on the block damn near every episode, and ALWAYS for the same problem...she's too slow, and doesn't display any leadership. Why she's lasted this long when others like Parthenon made one mistake and "poof" they were gone is beyond me.


I can sorta understand why Parthenon was sent home. He didn't bond with the kids like the others and none of them seemed to like him at all. Hygena might have came in last again but she took her group's feelings into consideration and basically involved them in everything. Parthenon seemed to be basically telling them what was right and what was wrong with no discussion. Even if your comic is aimed at people 14 and up...if you can't win the support of little kids then how can you expect to win the support of the older ones?


I definitly wanna see Hyper-Strike win. The Defuser annoys me and I can't see anyone reading a "Hygena" comic.

Spike: I wasn't lurking, I was standin' about. It's a totally different vibe.


I get that, and I can see the problem. That being said, I still think it was a bit unfair for Stan to send him packing after one mistake, when the Defuser and Hygena have been called down time and again for the same problems. I think he should have gotten a second chance (though he really shot himself in the foot with that self-serving little speech about why he should stay).


shes a woman too


Defuser... I think the final 2 will be him and Hyper Strike, and I really wouldn't have a problem with Hyper Strike winning, but I prefer Defuser because he was my original choice.
I also wouldn't care if Hygena won... I'd still read her comic book... but I don't think it'll happen.

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"I don't like Hygena that much. I don't see why people would read about a superhero that reminds them of their mother."

That's part of her charm, I think, that she's such an unusual, unlikely heroine. Kind of like Fat Momma from the first season.

I wouldn't have a real problem with any of them winning, but the one I'm really rooting for the most HAS to be the Defuser. Throughout the show, he's consistently demonstrated good leadership, courage, and caring (i.e. comforting Whip- Snap when she was feeling distraught, having fun with the kids in the restaurant and the school, and I heard that he helped Parthenon with his back problem by volunteering to help crack his back every night). Plus, I think he'd make the coolest comic book and action figure. I'd DEFINITELY want to read his comic and learn about his backstory.


I liked all four remaining ones and I understood why Parthenon had to be let go, but yeah, I did think it to be unfair that it was his first bad week and his first time up on the blocks to be eliminated. He seemed like such a nice guy but his little speech did bother me a little, but then again, Defuser at times bothered me too when he was always my favorite. It sometimes seems like they just choose one superhero to have a really bad week every week, you know? Mindset confronts Ms. Limelight AND refuses to play Bee-Sting's game. Mr. Mitzvah refused to face his fears on the rollercoaster AND continued to remain in the background. Parthenon did perhaps the worst of the evil tasks that "evil Stan" told him to AND he was unpopular with the kids. Braid didn't help anyone or the dog during that car stunt AND gave too much info away about herself. It seems like the characters who get sent home do more than one bad thing that episode. Mr. Mitzvah never confronted his fears but it was only until that was combined with everyone else's worries of him being the loner when he was inevitably eliminated.

My vote is for Defuser, we need another Captain America kind of superhero, and Defuser would be like Captain America plus Batman, which would be pretty cool, plus he already has a theme song written and performed by that guy on the street.


I want the Defuser to win, cause he seem like a sincere guy, and a great leader. He was always there boosting his fellow heroes, except maybe that one time with Mr. Mitzvah.
But I do had some problema with Parthenon. I don't know if anybody else noticed, but he was lying alot to the people in the park. Especially when he borrowed the cane from the woman, and said he would return it. That was very bad.
To me HyperStrike and Hygenia don't act or look like a hero...they seem more like a side-kick to me.


I've been rooting for Defuser since the first episode. For the record, Hygena has been on the block three times (in a row), Hyperstrike 1 1/2 times (brought up as a sub for Mitzvah when Limelight was gonna be let go), and Defuser twice. I went into last week's episode confident that if EITHER Defuser or Hygena was on the block again, it would be like Mitzvah said, three strikes and you're out. After all, that's what happened for both he and Limelight. I was shocked that Hygena was kept on, though I do understand the rationale with Parthenon not connecting with the kids. I also think that for politically-correct reasons, Stan probably had to keep Hygena just so there would be a woman in the final trio.

Hyperstrike, both before and after his costume makeover, always struck me as a good sidekick, but not a top-billed hero. That being said, just by comparison, look at what we've got as the top three in both years. A very tall, strong-looking man (Major Victory, The Defuser); a skinny, comic-book loving, crowd-pleasing guy (Feedback, Hyperstrike); and a middle-aged woman intentfully breaking hero stereotypes (Fat Momma, Hygena). Based on last year's pattern, Hyperstrike will win, with Hygena second, and Defuser third. I don't think this will happen. Rather, it will almost certainly come down to Defuser and Hyperstrike. They've both been on the blocks before, technically twice each, so I really think it's gonna come down to how they perform in the last episode to decide between those two.


"I went into last week's episode confident that if EITHER Defuser or Hygena was on the block again, it would be like Mitzvah said, three strikes and you're out. After all, that's what happened for both he and Limelight."

Actually, I think Mr. Mitzvah's point was that he was put on the block three times in a row for making the same mistakes over and over (Being too much of a loner, and not being willing to confront his fears) and not changing after hearing Stan's criticism. Mr. Mitzvah's main mistake was not paying enough attention to what Stan had to say about him, or at least not changing his behavior accordingly. In contrast, while the Defuser was put on the block twice, each time he was allowed to stay, he made a point of changing whatever behavior of his had gotten him into trouble the last time (i.e. he toned down his take- charge attitude a little, and his interaction with the students in the classroom was a bit more appropriate than his interaction with the kids at the restaurant).
I think the reason why Hygena was allowed to stay may be partially to be more P.C., but also because even though she made the same mistake as before by taking too long, it was for a very good reason (She was being more of a friend to her group of kids and involving them in the mission).

"A very tall, strong-looking man (Major Victory, The Defuser); a skinny, comic-book loving, crowd-pleasing guy (Feedback, Hyperstrike); and a middle-aged woman intentfully breaking hero stereotypes (Fat Momma, Hygena)."

Well, the Defuser has frequently mentioned that he is (Or at least was) a big comic book fan, too.


I want to see this guy kick ass all over the place. The Defuser and Hygena are just too dull.

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True if one girl had got to stay I would've preferred Basura instead of Hygena.


I was really pulling for Hyper Strike, he had the Athleticism and more importantly, whit.


I actually found Hyper-Strike to be too cocky and insincere. He was also too impressed by himself at times.


coolsteph basura deserved to leave. She seemed more like a villian than a superhero, shes wouldnt even help that lady find her child. I liked the Diffuser so Im saying the Diffuser will win cuz Hyperstrike seemed like a sidekick, and I think Hygena needed some extra super powers cuz cleaning aint enough, plus I think Whip Snap shouldve won.


That's true I see your point about Basura.

And Hygena definetly needed extra powers.

I rooted for the Defuser
