Hey here is next seasons winner!

Doesn't this guy look like Desnoozer.
Mark Furman


Not at all. No.

Ponies love you... vote 10: imdb.com/title/tt0490668/


No, he doesn't.
stjeff, you really need to get over whatever issues you have with police officers. It is clear that the sole reason why you (Along with more than a few of the other haters who've been making fun of the Defuser) dislike him is just because he happens to be a cop. As my mother once pointed out, there are good people and bad people in every profession. I liked the Defuser a lot, both because on the show he frequently proved himself to be a true hero, and also in real life, as regular Austin police detective Jarrett Crippen, he seems to be a genuinely good person. From what I've heard, he's been involved in a lot of community outreach and charity projects in Austin even before he auditioned for the show, and he is currently hosting a "Scares for a Cure" haunted house on Halloween in which the proceeds will be donated to breast cancer research.
Just please try and get over your bigotry and stereotypes.
