MovieChat Forums > The Elegant Universe (2003) Discussion > Elegant maths and unification?

Elegant maths and unification?

When I watched this I was thinking that they seemed obsessed
with finding the "theory of everything" through unifying Einsteins
theories and quantmechanics. In a way they falsified that
quantmechanics was chaotic and showed a complex pattern that
mathematically made sense. That this would work with Einsteins
theories sort should go by itself, or? If both theories work logically.
But what if Einstein was wrong and quantmechanics were right?
Then there would be no need for unification, because the sollution
would be that we live in a chaotic universe impossible to predict
on the large scale, and that would be the theory "of everything"?
Or is that totally wrong?


The problem isn't whether Einstein was wrong or Quantum Mechanics is right, the problem is that BOTH are 'right'(or as right as they CAN be) when applied to their proper scales. General Relativity explains large objects and the movements of the celestial bodies, but it's gravitational predictions fall apart when applied to the quantum level. Quantum Mechanics explains the link between both Nuclear forces and Electro-magnetism on a minute scale, but doesn't explain gravity's small effect at this level, and doesnt begin to explain object/celestial movements. See, they're BOTH correct, for what they are applied to but you cannot apply one to the other, hence the problem we face today. The notion of a "Chaotic Universe" is not in alignment with all other established laws of science, because if it were merely a matter of quantum mechanics OR relativity, then the other major scientific laws, including Newton's, would break down on a daily basis and we would not have been able to evolve to this point as we have. As Sagan said, we live in an "in-between" universe, one in which random events can occur, but according to LAWS.


The way I see it, the case is not that both theories
are right. They have totally diffrent ambitions. Einstein
wants to find the simple laws of universe, while quant physics
says there are no laws in this chaos. String theory goes in between and says,
yes there are possible laws but they are extremly complicated, and almost not
graspable for the human mind. And the way they solve it, is not
through observation, they take the depature in a mathematic equation.
That this equation would work with Einsteins goes without saying.
It's a tautology.
