MovieChat Forums > Out of Reach (2004) Discussion > Steven Seagal's voice dubbed?

Steven Seagal's voice dubbed?

When I watched this movie, about half of the time when Steven Seagal talked, it didn't sound like his voice at all.

Did they dub his voice in this movie? And why would they do that?


I think so, his voice is also dubed in Belly of the Beast. Seagal has always had this low raspy voice, and if you notice in that scene where he's talking to the old monk at the worship temple, it sounds like a man with a deep texas draw is doin the talking. Ive heard that seagal has started using stunt doubles because he's gotten so out of shape, but man, dont tell me he needs dubed voices to do his talking for him.


Ive heard that seagal has started using stunt doubles because he's gotten so out of shape, but man, dont tell me he needs dubed voices to do his talking for him.

It appears to be so. How sad.

the Fiend :.


I just saw this and have to agree that half Seagal's dialogue was dubbed into what I can only describe as a "redneck drawl". I honestly don't see the point of that, unless the sound equipment used couldn't pick up his voice, and it would have been more expensive to have him re-dub his dialogue again. Any thoughts on why?


Probably as you suggested. They took the cheap way out.

I can't imagine any other reason for doing that. And I thought it degraded the film even more than the film degraded itself.

the Fiend :.


It isn't one of his best, but far from his worst...I think "Ticker" deserves that dubious honour.

Since he started making movies for Columbia/Tristar (Sony), the quality of his films has dropped drastically. His best work was with Warner Bros, although "Marked for Death" was pretty good as well. Can't say I like all the wirework and "kung fu" in his recent efforts. Makes the movies less believable than they already are. The choppy editing doesn't help, and it doesn't always hide the fact that a double is used in some of the fight scenes.


What I know of martial arts, I've learned through observation, so I'm by no means, an expert on the subject. However...

His older style seems to me to be more of an akido (submission holds) style whereas of late, this has changed, and not for the better, I might add.

I preferred the bone-crunching style he had over the crap he's doing now. I also preferred his tough-guy personnas to these touchy-feely types he's given over to in the last 5 or 6 films.

I don't know who produced what at which studio for how many cookies, but I do know that On Deadly Ground was in the IMDb bottom 100 for a long time. I honestly thought that was one of the most underrated movies ON that list. I considered that movie to be the perfect balance of his environmentalist personal side and the martial arts Akido Master the studios (and fans) expected of him.

He has more control over the creative content of his movies these days and I must say that was a mistake on both his part and the part of the studio who's got him signed on. Of course, hindsight isn't worth 2 cents. Look, he is a caring person obviously, but caring doesn't sell tickets. No Holds Barred Bone Crunching Kill 'Em All Let The Gods Sort 'Em Out MARTIAL THAT sells tickets.

Honestly, for about the last four years, I've been expecting him to announce that he's accepting the romantic lead in a period romance. It really wouldn't surprise me, judging by the level and style of action in his latest movies.

the Fiend :.



If you watch "any" film made in either Hollywood or abroad, you'll notice that they dub some of the dialogue. Sometimes it's done to replace lost or muddled dialogue or to give a narrative like in the letter reading scenes used in Out of Reach. If an actor is unable to respeak their lines in the looping sessions due to being ill or unavailable, they will use substitute actors to do the voices. I'm sure that Seagal was not available to do any of the looping in post production. As far as the "Too out of shape to fight" thing, it's simply not the case. He did mess up his knee pretty bad during the Exit Wounds shoot and is still unable to do as much as he used to. They also use doubles when they want a smoother look during a fight, or if they deem a sequence too dangerous for the star to perform. Even Chuck Norris uses fight doubles. Look at the film Top Dog. Chuck only does about 60% of the fights. The rest is a double. They did this to make the fights look faster.(he was 55 when he filmed it, afterall) They also make Seagal do alot of kung fu and it's not really his style.


later movies.

Now whether or not it is his actual voice or an impersonator doing the voice for him, I'm not sure, but it has been pointed out to Me by several people of late that he has [in the last year or two] taken a vow of silence for a duration of several years as part of his spiritual trek.

So I'd have to say it's not his actual voice that's been dubbed back in, or that if it is, his vow is during certain hours of the day or night. But that vow IS the reason his voice is dubbed.

Whatever, Whatever!
the Fiend :.



Well thats mature! Everyone who hates this movie should get aids and die eh? You sad pathetic person!
This movie did indeed suck! I love Seagal movies,but I felt severely short changed after watching this dross! One second Seagal would talk normally then the next line would be dubbed! And the voice didnt even sound like Seagal!
The fight scenes were totally lame,and the script sucked ass!
The fans will only put up with so many lame movies before they stop watching! And Seagals last 3 movies have all sucked more than Anna Nicole Smith at a millionaires convention!
If you like Seagal movies,avoid this!
If you like to watch crap,then this is the movie for you!


yes, this was obviously dubbed and dubbed badly. Someone suggested that perhaps it was due to his vow of silence, but for me I have no clue why it was dubbed. I do know it was very distracting and didn't help the movie at all. Was this a "bad" movie? Well, it wasn't a GOOD movie, but I wouldn't say it was out right BAD. I too am rather sick of how everyone talks about Seagal however. Him being "fat" is just kinda silly. He is an akido master, and if you know anything of the art of akido he's not alone in his physique. So he doesn't make blockbuster movies. Big deal! Not every movie can be an award winner, and frankly (and I'm being serious here) I would much rather watch this movie 1000 times before I watched "punch drunk love" again! THAT movie made me want to rip my eyes from their sockets (and I'm a Sandler fan)!


Anyone else think the lead bad guy is the one that actually does the voice dubbing for Segal?


I was actually thinking the same thing


I was watching this movie for the second time the other day and as soon as I heard the letters being read outloud and the bad guys voice it was exactly the same

there was one point during the movie where it sounded like seagal but thats it

I didfnt get into the movie as much because of the silly sounding voice


Well, I just had to see this. There is something about his films that draw you to them despite all the faults. There were numerous unexplained plot holes, maybe the editors could not agree (There are two editors, why? Was one learning?). Yes, his hair looked ridiculous and he was quite bloated but he has a certian style and never lets love interest get in the way of the killing.

By why oh! why was there that awful dubbing? Maybe the voice over that we heard when she read he letter, was how the girl though he would sound!


