Not a good movie

wow... that was a boring movie.... It started out OK, but after a
while, it just got really really stupid. I had to skip through it, to
see what the ending would be like, but its just horrible. Don't watch
this movie, unless u like to see pathetic guys make fools of
themselves. I'm sorry, but i'm not a sadistic kind of person that likes to see other people mock failed marriages. Its just wrong... I didn't enjoy this at all, and in fact i'm only posting because of how disgusted i feel after watching it. Yes i know its a mockumentary, and it still was a worthless
piece of film. Go watch Spinal Tap, that's a much better mockumentary.


Dude, you obviously are not a film lover if you do not even give the film a chance to play all the way through. You cant mock something you havent seen. Did u hate titantic too because the boat sank and one of the main characters died. stick too watching *beep* disney movies!
This movie is really good and worthy of awards, it doesnt have explosions or amazing effects worth billions of dollars but if you are a film lover watch this!



I watched the whole film. I am a film lover. I hate this "film". In every category: acting, storyline, camera work, directing, picture quality, entertainment value, you name the category, it is of the quality of a BAD episode of Cheaters!
Terrible waste of film. Terrible. I can't believe people on this board like this. Were you all involved in the film, or what? Worst Mockumentary of all time. One of the worst films of all time.

I hardly find it funny or entertaining to watch a loser guy take advantage of someone from another country, turning her into a maid, a cook, and a sex slave, while making her get her tubes tied, and making her appear in bondage films. Then the guy who takes her in to "help" her turns her into a maid, cook, and sex slave. Then they break up over ceramic elefants? And this is comedy? This is enjoyable? Then we get the pleasure of listening to her yell and scream at him. Yay! Strike up the band!
Who wrote this? A child? Who filmed this? My dog with a camera strapped to his back?
The only funny and witty part of this film was Andrew's mother. She was hilarious.

Once again, you people who think you are "true film lovers" were conned into falling all over a crappy film, that was marketed to you as "witty and innovative and artsy". And you fell for it, hook, line, and sinker, like sheep to the slaughter. And anyone who disagrees with you about this film, you will say they "don't get it", and "don't know true film", and "watch too much MTV", and "are looking for explosions and tits". Anything to prove your superiority, because heck, you're the film buffs...
It never ceases to amaze me how many terrible films are loved on these boards.

A film doesn't have to be action packed to be interesting, it doesn't have to be slapstick to be funny, and it doesn't have to be happy to be enjoyable, but this film is terrible. Wanna see some real witty humor, watch Rushmore, or Life Aquatic, or Garden State. Anything but this film...

My vote history:



Wow This movie is *beep* morbid, disturbing, disgusting, insane, depressing, scary, moving, haunting, and painfully funny....

But i must say, any movie that evokes all those emotions in a person, HAS got to be good.

I rented this movie thinking it was a funny movie by how it looked on the box, then i started watchin it and thought, OH its documentary! So i watched the whole thing thinking it was a real documentary, and i cringed and scratched my head in disbelief at how *beep* UP these characters were. By the time the dad too lichi to the hotel i was just saying, PLEASE let this movie be NOT real because i wont be able to sleep at night! And thank god it wasnt.

Im still disturbed by it though....ugh, i feel gross...i saw the devils rejects the other day and i felt gross after watchin that movie...but this only goes to show that you dont need blood and violence to get those feelings.


You are much too sensitive.

I just want to say that I liked this movie beacuse I thought it was funny. If you don't think it was funny, well fair enough, people have different senses of humor. Move on.

But... I'm guessing you need some over-the-top generalizations passing off as arguement to engage with, so let me help you out. The reason YOU don't find it funny is you are a sad sack, middle class idiot. I come from an asian background where arranged marriages and mail order brides is a REALITY, not some quirky cultural thing that you have the privelege of feeling 'sad' and 'aghast' at. I've heard lots of similar stories to the things that Lichi's first husband made her do. So since I have background, I can laugh. I've also met a lot of pompous asses like the filmmaker (who I bet shares a fair amount of traits with you) and I appreciate the sendup that this movie is of his ilk. Finally, nobody told me to like this movie; I never knew a damn thing about it when I started watching. Please feel free to stick to your safe half-comedies like Garden State or Rushmore with the classy half-laughs you so willingly give up whilst watching.


I just saw Mail Order Wife and didn't laugh once. It is not funny to watch a woman be treated the way Lichi was treated. I can't believe it has been classified as comedy. The best part of the movie is when Lichi defends her rights to collect "pigs" its a sign of her growing self respect. They didn't break up over the pigs by the way. Another good turning point was when both husbands realize they are both in the wrong. One can not judge another because all mal-treatment is we are all capable of selfish acts and even Lichi is looking out for herself.

I suppose mockumentary is a new genre of film. It is just another sign of the times film that left me feeling very depressed. However film is an artform that reflects ailments and all those ideas expressed in mockery create opportunities to discuss the selfish human heart.


"sclaybou on Sun Nov 27 2005 21:57:46
I just saw Mail Order Wife and didn't laugh once. It is not funny to watch a woman be treated the way Lichi was treated. I can't believe it has been classified as comedy. The best part of the movie is when Lichi defends her rights to collect "pigs" its a sign of her growing self respect. They didn't break up over the pigs by the way. Another good turning point was when both husbands realize they are both in the wrong. One can not judge another because all mal-treatment is we are all capable of selfish acts and even Lichi is looking out for herself.

I suppose mockumentary is a new genre of film. It is just another sign of the times film that left me feeling very depressed. However film is an artform that reflects ailments and all those ideas expressed in mockery create opportunities to discuss the selfish human heart. "

blah blah blah...lichi wasn't mal-treated. it was made clear that she used the men for whatever money they had. remember the scene at the pool? Louis? yes, she had done it before. she made her living by using these guys and then going back and doing it all over again.

you women's rights lovers, always lookin' for an angle. not this time, butch.


So you're NOT middle-class, dude? I guess it's ok for YOU to make generalizations since you're *gasp* asian.

Terrible film, and I live in China. EOT.


so is this a real documentary? or is it a mockumentary?

if it's real..........DAMN. $h!t is messed up! if it's fake..........then it's worthwhile in a sense, b/c in reality, there are many such f-ed up Americans that exist in reality.

[NOTE: i'm still watching the film at this very moment.]


it definitely ain't real.


Yeah, but it pretends it is. What would it have taken to tell the story -not- as a documentary? The documentary aspect of the story actually could have been left out. Andrew could have been one of Adrian's neighbors or a friend or something...

The first clue that it wasn't for real should have been when Adrian sends for Lichi, instead of visiting her in her country first, as these things are always done in real life. It's pretty hard to get a visa for someone "to get married" any more. In fact, I know someone who married a woman in England while serving in the US Army, and was unable to bring her to the states. Please, American servicemen meeting women overseas, marrying them, and bringing them home is a solidly established American tradition! My own father did it.

It's obvious that the government doesn't care about its service men and women any more. It's all about getting their defense contractors rich, so they in turn will make generous campaign contributions... yeah.

I sure miss America.


I agree with you, os mutante- I'm a European-American male and I just saw this movie for the first time. AND I'm looking forward to seeing it again. I thought it was very well done. At first I totally empathized with Litchi- the doorman was clearly a Neanderthal clod and the film-maker was just a middle-class version of the same. But I saw the way it was going when she got them competing for her charms. Then it just wasn't all about the Asian woman being taken advantage of by Americans anymore. She was a woman letting the two men's libidos do their thinking for them. She didn't have to do much, just stay in sight. This scene is played out thousands of times every day- all over the world. When the time was right, she could choose or switch sides at will. But as time went on she was showing herself to be more and more an experienced woman, spinning her web around these fools, who deserved everything they got. They were dehumanizing her and she just turned the tables on them. There's an old saying..."You can't cheat an honest man". If those guys went into the thing looking to have a relationship between equals (and I bet quite a few of the guys who try these mail- order relationships do) and took their time getting to know each other, then it's much harder to get taken. I saw a lot of truth in this flick.


Hey Dennsylvania, not every movie can be a multi-million dollar production with Bill Murray delivering 'quirky' doses of safe humour. (lol, this guy gave Armageddon a '10' and Anchorman an '8')

I think it's great that you spent more time defending pre-emptive criticisms that don't exist yet then actually critiquing this film.

In fact, I can't find one reason in your entire post why you actually think it's a bad film, you just called it one.

Hey, better run to the television, I think 'Scrubs' is on! You can chuckle along to it's inoffensive wackiness! Oh, and since you didn't pre-empt this criticism I may as well deliver it - your vote history clearly shows favoritism for tightly-crafted, nonthreatening, well padded Hollywood schlock. If that's your gig, that's fine. It doesn't mean anything departing from that is inferior product.


I thought this movie was funny and original. However, was this film a "must see?" Definately not. The plot and characters were twisted and some of the jokes were just TOO depressing. I feel the biggest problem with this film was the characters and how they were developed. Think about it...not one character was the "good guy!" Even Lichi, my favorite character, was a crazy lady!

The best part of this film was the acting. The characters, especially Eugenia Yuan, were magnificent. Yuan's character is from Burma and comes to America with limited English speaking skills but in real life Yuan is an American born citizen who had to FAKE an accent! I was shocked when I pulled up her biography and some interviews she did for the movie to find out that she was acting the accent. Also, the other characters in the movie, particularly Andrew Gurland, were so believable in their individual roles. I must admit, I thought for a second this was a real documentary because of their great acting abilities.

Thus, I would only reccommend this film to someone who wants to see an DARK and interesting film with great acting.


Wow. It's amazing how different people can find the same thing either funny or not funny. I don't remember Andrew's mother being especially funny. Not saying she wasn't, just saying that I found so much of the movie funny, she got lost in my memory of it all.

Then again, I can understand how someone might not find any of it funny, perhaps. Maybe. But so much of humor is based on things that are painful, or stupid, or violent, or wrong in one way or another. Humor is a funny thing, I guess...

I guess that for me, the humor came by way of how disgusting the story was. Like when Adrian is showing his new bride how to clean a toilet, or "cook" chili, or feed the snake. It was disgusting really, but that's exactly why it was funny. The kind of thing that would make you ask "is this guy for real?".

I guess it was funny too, because the whole thing was an elaborate joke. It presented itself as a documentary, not a "mockumentary". I kept asking myself if this could be real. It was supposed to be, but it was just so hard to believe that people would act like that before a camera.

Overall, the movie was one of the best "sleepers" I'd seen in a long time. Never heard of it, just happened to see it at a friend's house, and I absolutely loved it.

Another thing: It addressed in a perverse way, a real phenomenon. There really are catalogs of women who want to marry Americans, and lots of them really do wind up with Adrian types. There are also women who take advantage of lonely American men, women who only care about getting a ticket to America. Some outright ripoff artists. All the characters in the movie have real life counterparts, often more extreme. When it's real, it isn't funny at all.

Finally, I'd like to recommend a movie called "Picture Bride", which is a serious historical drama about how it might really have been around the turn of the century, for a Japanese woman who travels to Hawaii to marry a Japanese plantation worker. This was a very common thing there at that time, and I was extremely impressed at how accurately and carefully the movie presented Hawaiian plantation life in that time period. It wasn't paradise, lemme tell ya. Even the nuances of the accents were spot on. The movie was highly, highly praised in Hawaii by the descendants of people like that. Maybe it's just the Hawaiian in me that was touched by it, but touched I was, indeed.


I was late-night channel surfing and ran across "Mail Order Wife" about 15 minutes after its start. I had never heard of the film before, and I had missed the genre listed, only noticing the word documentary in the description.

Though joining it already in progress, I began watching. It grabbed my attention; it had me shaking my head; it had me sarcastically laughing; it had me rolling my eyes and my jaw dropping open; it had me saying, "Now THIS is reality TV" ... all the way until (SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS!) the contingent hooked up with ... Jose Canseco? Then the crewmember's dad decides he's gonna try to get in a quick shag before moving on with the ex-husbands' planned trap?

I began to get suspicious -- I mean, how lucky can a documentary filmmaker get to have a story unfold like this one? And then when the credits finally rolled, I knew I had been duped. This film's greatest claim to fame will ultimately be the great practical joke it allows you to play on your friends who don't know it's bogus. I mean, as far as mockumentaries go, "This Is Spinal Tap" is 11 times the film that "Mail Order Wife" is. (And thanks to those who got that "11" reference.) "Mail Order Wife" is only funny if you've been had or you're setting up someone else to be had.


Yeah it got me too. Just didn't see it coming. Completely tought it was a documentary until the end credits. The girl and "Adrian" were great.


Same here. We saw it last week about 15 minutes into it and my sisters and I were all drawn to the story like insects to the zapper. We didn't KNOW it was fake until the blooper. At the point when the "dad" was making the moves we starting wondering and then in the cab with her sitting in between the two, oh that was classic. I love this film. It's so much better watching it now knowing it isn't true. Instead of gasping, I can see how well acted and made this film really is. I can understand how some wouldn't like this storyline, but knowing that this particular story isn't actually real makes it so much fun to watch.


I didnt like the film. It's stupid. I expected more.


I just finished watching this movie on Showtime. I was channel surfing and thought it was a real documentary until the end. Had I known it was fake, I would have laughed at a lot of stuff, but I was sitting there with a slack jaw sometimes.

I loved this movie. I thought it was a great piece of work and the acting was really wonderful.

Sorry you didn't feel that way.

Think about this: More women diet than vote. Get it together, girls.


yea i just caught it on showtime too.. i was wondering when i read the synopsis it says its a documentary then the category its in is comedy.. so i thought "i'm gonna check this out." i caught it at the scene where they were watchin the video of lichi lickin the basement. i saw adrian and knew it was fake.. surprisingly a really good movie. i'd reccomend it.


When I first saw it, I thought it was real. I liked this movie. I don't think I've ever seen a mockumentary before.


It was an interesting film...because I thought it was real for awhile. I didn't think it was funny until I caught on that it wasn't real though. In fact, I wanted to rip both those slimy ***** to pieces.

But I started to get suspicious when they saw the ad with no snakes...yeah.

I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone though.


I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone though.

I would recommend it to anyone who wants to see a good tongue-in-cheek poke at the whole concept of mail-order brides. Really, it's not like it portrays the good side and the bad side of that business.... No, it only shows the bad side and the bad side of that business.

"Puppy cuter than pig, but piglet cuter than puppy." -Mail Order Wife-


I loved it! At the beginning, I was thinking, "OK - what's going on with this?!", but I absolutely loved it! Definitely worth watching!


I think alot of people didn't like this movie because it was apparently marketed as a comedy, and though I found alot of the scenarios funny, I dont think I would have classified it as such. I enjoyed it quite a bit though.
